Chapter Two

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I rose from the table and outstretched my arms. The sun has leaked through the cracks of the wooden boards. It is early morning and it is time to wake my son, Baldr. Kattegat was still very quiet and no one had risen from their slumbers. There are no carts on the road yet and there is no chatter among the people. 

Slowly and quietly I walked the newly furbished floor boards into my quarters. I pulled the curtains back to see my Little Ivar sleeping soundly. He has blonde locks that sparkled in the sunlight, smooth skin, dark blue eyes that are hardened, and a button nose! He is much like his father as a young boy; the only difference is- Baldr has strong legs and a softer heart. He gently snores as he lays on his side. Quietly I came over and placed a small, motherly kiss on his cheek. 

My Little Ivar.

I walked into a separate quarter and began to prepare myself. My first act as Queen of Kattegat is the deterioration of anyone who is considered a thrall. It wasn’t an easy task to do, but I eventually won that battle. This means I, as Queen, would not have thralls to help me with anything. I do everything myself. This means to also prepare myself. I do my own hair, place my own jewelry on, and dress myself. I believe Kattegat is the only nation in the world to not have slaves. It only makes the ego of my city grow. 

By the time I prepared myself, Baldr was already sitting on the bed. He has just risen. His hair is kempt and well groomed- flawless. His legs are sprawled out in between the sheets as he stares in the oblivion. 

“Baldr!” I called, “Please start dressing!” 

“Yes, mama!” Is all he says for the time being. 


I held Baldr’s hand in mine as we waited patiently at the curtains to be called to the court. Baldr was quite anxious to go to his throne. He tugged slightly, trying to release himself from my grip.

“Hvitserk,” I said, hushly. I  then remember this is not Hvitserk, however, Baldr has some traces of his beloved Uncle in his blood.

“Baldr, we must wait patiently…” I whispered. 

Baldr quickly stopped tugging at my hand, but he did let go of it. I know he can walk out by himself, proudly.

“The Queen of Kattegat and Prince Baldr!” We walked into a roaring crowd of brave Draugr and Viking men and women. All are welcomed to the Great Hall for as long as they have good intentions. Baldr rushes to his throne and stands patiently, waiting for me to get to my throne as my long fur robe travels behind me. I sat gently on my throne and placed my back against the cold chair. Baldr then sits after me. His throne is his father’s throne as his legs dangle from its pedestal. 

Oh, Ivar, how you sat the exact same way as a young child. 

Gently, I turned my head to the people who stood quietly, waiting for me to speak, but I was waiting for them to speak. 

“Long live the Queen of the Valkyries!” A guardsman called. The room burst into an uproar as they screamed my namesake.

“Queen of the Valkyries!” A gentle smile appeared across my face as I gripped the arms of my throne tightly. It is still an achievement, five years later that a thrall has become a Queen. 

A guard came in front of me and bowed his head to us, it is a new custom we have picked up from Wessex. It is a sign of great respect to the royals. 

“Kattegat is doing well today, Sigrun!” He announced. 

“Thank you, that is good to hear.” 

A couple stepped forward with a basket in hand, their faces are dirty and they have two lonely children next to them. Their faces are also dirty and they are on the verge of tears. 

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