2 | it's way too early for this

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LUFFY AND ZORO WERE SAILING in their little boat, having left Shells Town.

"Huh?" Zoro hums, as he notices a peach colored object in the sea.

"What?" Luffy asks, turning to look at where Zoro was looking. "Is it food?"

"Not everything is about food, idiot!" Zoro yells.

"It should be." Luffy pouts.

Zoro moves closer to the other end of the boat, as the object floats up to the boat.

Both of them yell out as they notice what the object really was.

"AHHHHH." THE GIRL STRETCHES, rubbing her eyes after. "Man, that was an amazing nap."

"What the heck you mean nap?!" Zoro yells at the girl.

"Softer, Ro-Chan." Luna mumbles. "It's way too early for this."

"It's afternoon, dumbass!" Zoro replies.

"Hey, Luna, let me ask you a question." Luffy says.

"Sure, Lu-Chan." Luna replies, Zoro folds his arms, thinking Luffy was going to be sensible and ask her why she was in the water.

"Do you have any food?" Luffy asks, simply.

"You dumbass!" Zoro yells, then takes a deep breath, turning to Luna. "What were you doing in the water?"

"Well, my friend kicked me off the boat, literally, when I suggested that we should use our money to buy me expensive shoes. So, I thought I'd take a nap until I meet her at the next island." Luna tells them, making Zoro sweatdrop.

'What a bizarre pair of girls.' Zoro thinks.

"Man, I'm hungry." Luffy groans.

"Me, too." Luna adds.

Just then, they hear a bird fly over them.

"A bird..." Luffy trails off. "Let's eat it!" He grins.

"Huh? How?" Zoro questions.

"Leave it to me!" Luffy tells them. "Gum-Gum Rocket!"

With that Luffy launches himself at the bird.

"I see.." Zoro mumbles, with a bored look.

'So, he has a devil's fruit's power.' Luna thinks to herself, but her thoughts her interrupted by Luffy's yells.

Both Zoro and Luna look to the sky to see Luffy in the big bird's beak, yelling for help.

"Moron! What the hell are you doing?!" Zoro yells, while rowing the boat as fast as he can, while Luna admired her nails. "You could at least help, woman!"

"There are only two pedals, dumbass." Luna replies. "What do you want me to do?"

"Tsk." Zoro clicks his tounge.

"Hey! Stop!." Someone yells from the sea. "You there! Stop!"

"Shipwrecked people, At a time like this?" Zoro mumbled. "I can't stop! Jump in on your own!" With that Zoro continues to speed the boat through, as the three people jump in. "I'm impressed you got on." Zoro laughs.

"Are you trying to run us over?!" The three yell.

"Hey, Stop the boat." One of them says, pointing a sword at Zoro and Luna. "We're members of Byggy the Clown-Sama's crew. This boat is ours's now."

Zoro turns his head away from Luffy and death glares at the three pirates.

"Huh?" He questions.

'Hot.' Luna thinks.

The next moment, the three beat up pirates her the ones rowing the boat, with pleasant expressions on their faces, beat up.

"Hahaha, we had no idea you were the famous pirate hunter Zoro-San." The middle says. "Forgive our rudeness."

"Thanks to you guys, I lost sight of my friend." Zoro mumbles, sitting with his swords. "Just keep paddling ahead." They all chorus yessirs. "Knowing Luffy, he'll manage something once he spots land." Zoro keeps saying, not noticing the finger, which was near his swords.

"This sword belongs to the 21 Great Grade Meito." The girl informs. "The O Wazamono."

"Don't touch that!" Zoro jumps back.

"That is quite the precious sword you've got there." Luna comments. "That's worth at least 10 million berries."

Zoro looks down at the Katana, the information being new to him.

"It's not for sale." He simply replies, making Luna raise an eyebrow. He turns to the pirates. "Paddle faster!"


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