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यूँ प्यार कर बे-इंतेहा
देखा करूँ सारी उमर
तेरे निशान बे-इंतेहाँ
कोई कसर ना रहे, मेरी खबर ना रहे
छुले मुझे इस कदर बे-इंतेहाँ

बे-इंतेहाँबे-इंतेहाँयूँ प्यार कर बे-इंतेहादेखा करूँ सारी उमरतेरे निशान बे-इंतेहाँकोई कसर ना रहे, मेरी खबर ना रहेछुले मुझे इस कदर बे-इंतेहाँ

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*This chapter contains mature themes. Reader discretion is advised.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you, Rajvansh," that annoying human grumbled. What's his problem now? Isn't it bad enough that he's taken all of my wife's attention?

My inner voice mocked his request with a tone dripping in annoyance, 'Make me a hot chocolate.'  What an asshole. Freaking Vivaan Malhotra.

I couldn't help but wonder why he wanted to talk at a time like this. Shouldn't he be spending more time with his best friend. With a reluctant nod, I motioned for him to go ahead.

He insisted on finding a more private space, his tone sounding unusually serious, which only served to increase my annoyance. "Ugh, fine," I muttered, and in a tone that clearly conveyed my exasperation, I said, "My study." 

I led the way to the room next to the garden where my official study was located. There was no way I was letting him anywhere near our bedroom.

My study was a cozy space, filled with antique bookshelves, leather-bound tomes, and a mahogany desk that had seen better days. The soft light filtering through the curtains gave the room a warm and slightly nostalgic ambiance. 

Once we were inside, Vivaan wasted no time in getting to the point. "Ruhaan, I need to talk to you about Meera," he began, his expression serious.

I felt a knot tighten in my stomach at the mention of Meera's name from another man's mouth. My possessiveness surged like a wild beast, and I couldn't help but glare at Vivaan. "What about her?" I snapped, my voice sharper than I intended.

"Keep that attitude to yourself. You may be a king, but I'm a brother," Vivaan shot back, his rage mirroring my own. Brother? I was slightly confused by that statement, but I kept my composure, not letting it show. According to my research, she has one cousin brother.

"Meera is no less than my own sister. Now, you will fucking explain to me what your intentions are with her, Rajvansh," he demanded, his voice stern, and his eyes locked onto mine with an icy cold intensity. I had to give it to him; he was fearless.

 His concern for my wife was very real. A part of me felt a strange relief, like a splash of ice-cold water on a searing burn. He was a protector to her, nothing more.

"Questioning my intentions, Malhotra?" I asked, a smirk playing on my lips. I was genuinely amused by his audacity. Not many had the courage to challenge me with that tone, but here he was, standing his ground like a pissed and angry beast just like he always did.

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