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कहते हैं:
खुदा ने इस जहां में
सभी के लिए किसी न किसी को है बनाया
हर किसी के लिए
तेरा मिलना है उस रब का इशारा
मानो मुझको बनाया तेरे जैसे ही किसी के लिए

कुछ तोह है तुझ से राब्ता
कुछ तोह है तुझ से राब्ता

कहते हैं:खुदा ने इस जहां मेंसभी के लिए किसी न किसी को है बनायाहर किसी के लिएतेरा मिलना है उस रब का इशारामानो मुझको बनाया तेरे जैसे ही किसी के लिएकुछ तोह है तुझ से राब्ताकुछ तोह है तुझ से राब्ता

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"Ruhaan, please, I promise I'm fine! Both physically and mentally," I reassured him, my eyes locked onto his, trying to convey my sincerity.

He sighed and said, "I know, Meera. It's just... seeing you in danger, it's like a nightmare for me. I am sorry, you had to go through that."

A playful smile crossed my lips as I said, "How is it your fault? Oh my god, my dear mendak, you protected me!" I affectionately teased him, my fingers gently caressing his hair. 

As we lay under the warm blankets, the flickering screen of 'Ram-Leela' cast a soft, orange glow on us. My fingers ran through Ruhaan's hair, and the scent of hot chocolate filled the room.

 I nudged Ruhaan and pointed at the screen.

"Look at them, Ruhaan, look at them playing with rang," I said, trying to change the topic. Lately, he had become overly protective, and while I understood his concern, it was becoming a bit..overwhelming.

I playfully mimicked Ruhaan's voice in my head, saying, 'Meera, you can't go here, you can't go there, no, not the garden.'

"Do you like playing with colors?" Ruhaan asked, staring into my eyes with a depth that made my heart flutter.

"I love it! I loved playing Holi with my friends and papa! Mumma wasn't much keen on playing Holi, but trust me, I loved that festival," I reminisced, a nostalgic smile gracing my face.

"I can only imagine how fun our first Holi together would be!" I said with a gleam of anticipation in my eyes. I realized I had just a month and a half left before our first holi. 

The thought made my heart race with excitement. I was going to thoroughly enjoy teasing Ruhaan on our first Holi together.

"It will be fun," Ruhaan said, his arms around me tightening. He leaned down and placed a tender kiss on my forehead, sending shivers down my spine.

"Just promise me," Ruhaan said, his eyes dark and his voice heavy, "you will allow me to do whatever I want with you on Holi." His words sent a shiver down my spine, and for the first time, I was genuinely scared about what might happen on Holi.

"Will I regret promising you this?" I questioned, locking eyes with him, my gaze fierce and uncertain.

"Never," he whispered, his lips trailing along my collarbone as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

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