3 - The Devil's Advocate

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The bedroom had the same ceiling-to-floor windows on one end looking over the street and the hilly terrain

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The bedroom had the same ceiling-to-floor windows on one end looking over the street and the hilly terrain. The moon was a Cheshire Cat's grin, unsettling amongst the spectacular view and roar of people partying out in the street.

There was a fire lit opposite the queen-sized bed. All the furnishings were red velvet fabric with dark cherry wood details and flooring. The room was made for seduction and a horror movie.

'Are you the infamous Gatsby?' I said.

Matisse reluctantly peeled himself off me and walked to a table by the fire pouring us a drink.

'You could say that. I'm not the only host of this event.' He held out a glass to me.

'No need,' I said. He arched his brow amusement dancing across his features. 'No need to try and woo me more. You already have me.' And all my seams were ready to burst.

I was a ripe piece of fruit ready to be bitten and if he spat me back out afterwards I didn't care.

'You're—' he started and I raised my hand shaking my head.

'Just keep kissing me.'

He plopped his glass back down on the table and leaned back on it, regarding me with a different kind of interest. We devoured the sight of each other again, his long lean legs, and sculpted upper body hidden beneath his suit. The blazer parted at the top to expose a hairy, but trimmed chest.

Hair or not, I was going to lick that.

He chuckled. I crossed my arms over my chest. This man has been behaving strangely all night, I haven't even considered that he might be a real weirdo. A handsome drool-worthy one, but still.

'Want to explain who that man is downstairs?' he said.

'There were other men?' I teased.

Pearly whites shined in his grin. 'The one boiling with envy.'

I shrugged determined to not talk about Zan with this sexy demon Lord. 'I'm sure many men lusted for me. No one special comes to mind.'

'Oh.' He nodded. 'Many men did. That's why I knew I had to have you.'

Bit toxic. We'll ignore it.

I checked my nail cuticles. 'Better hurry this along before I change my mind.'

With unflinching arrogance, he said, 'You won't change your mind.'

'Hm...' I turned away and marched straight for the door. My hand reached the knob and I felt the impact of his hand slamming against the door, locking it shut with his strength. It made both myself and the door tremble in surprise.

His breath was hot at my ear, his finger hooked to the front of my dress. I gasped, one soft tug had both weak straps fall loose down my shoulders. My breasts met the warm air and his hand on the door slid down along the wood before gliding his fingertips over my nipple.

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