Chapter 02

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Adele's POV
I don't know how this happened.

After dealing with my grueling classes, I was peacefully eating my lunch at a table in the far corner of the cafeteria. It was closer to the doorways leading deeper into the school, for a quick getaway if needed, and offered an excellent view of the entire cafeteria and let me survey my new classmates.

It was also empty.....until a couple people that I met today decided to sit with me. Angela and Eric were happily conversing as I nibbled on my food, I glanced at the exit and wondered if I could sneak away, only for Bella and two more people that I met in gym to take seats near me. I looked at them all as if the grew two heads, and my social anxiety grew.

"Mike, you met my home girls Bella and Adella" Eric said making Mike challengingly say "Your home girls?" Suddenly a newcomer squatted down between them and jokingly said "Mine" before he leaned over and pecked mine and Bella's cheeks before yanking Eric and Mike's chairs out from underneath them. The three boys ran off making me relax slightly.

It's first grade all over again, and you guys are the shiny new toys" Jessica said jealously making Bella smugly smile and me scoff "Oh yes, getting harassed left and right makes a person so lucky" I then grabbed a napkin and wiped the saliva off my cheek. Jessica frowned but before she could say anything a flashbulb suddenly blinds us.

I look up to see Angela holding the camera with a horrified look "I'm so sorry! I needed a candid for the feature, and I was gonna ask, but then my finger slipped-!" "It's fine. Just delete it and leave me out of your feature" I said as I picked at my food instead. I quickly lost my appetite.

Angela frowned when Bella nodded her head in agreement "Guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking" she said disappointedly. I felt a bit bad so I spoke up "You could always do mental health awareness for teens, Speedo padding on the swim team-" I'm cut off by Bella saying "Or eating disorders" and gave me a once over making me wince.

"Wait! Speedo padding is a good one!" Jessica spoke up excitedly "Yeah! It totally explains Randle Marshals thing" Angela agreed "Yeah, I mean, how is he's super skinny with an Olympic size?" Jessica asked. I retreated back into my corner and only looked up when Bella asked "Who are they?"

By the cafeteria doors leading to the student parking lot four pale, well dressed, and inhumanly beautiful teenagers entered, three males and one female.

"Oh, that the Cullen family" Angela said shrugging them off and I go to follow her lead only for Jessica to continue talking in a hushed voice like it was a huge conspiracy "Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. The Hale twins are supposedly Dr. Cullen's niece and nephew and they adopted the rest. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago" "They kinda keep to themselves" Angela said to subtly hint for Jessica to drop it.

Jessica doesn't take the hint.

"Because they're all together. Like, together together!" Jessica continues before introducing the Cullen couples " The blonde runway model, that's Rosalie Hale" I glance over from my pretzel sticks to look at her.

Rosalie looks to be a senior and has voluminous curly blonde hair and a tall, statuesque figure that she strides about with confidence.

"She's with Emmett Cullen. The guy with dark hair and looks like he's on steroids" Jessica explains and I boredly look over at him.

Emmett also looks to be a senior. He's big and brawny with a childishly mischievous face. I couldn't quite tell from this distance, but I thought that I saw dimples.

"Who's he?" Bella asks making me look at what she's staring at "Oh, that's Edward Cullen and Jasper Hale. The sexy redhead and the blonde who looks like he's in pain" Jessica continues.

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