Chapter 05

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Adele's POV
I walked out to my car and got in. I took out the slip of paper and put in the phone number and debated on a nickname so if Bella ever went snooping through it she wouldn't get Alice's number.

I ultimately decided to label it as Feya which is a name that means beautiful fairy in Aramaic before slipping my phone back into my pocket and crumbling up the paper and tossing it into my bag to throw away later.

I started up my car, and headed for the diner.

When I arrived, I was mildly surprised to see that it was just dad sitting at the table alone. I figured that Bella was off doing Bella things that I don't wanna know about.

I sat down and we ordered. We started chatting about school and work until Bella and the food arrived at the same time. Dad was reluctant seeing how rude Bella was to everyone, but he did attempt to bond with her "How was school? Make any friends?"

Bella ignored his questions and abruptly asked "What do you know about the Cullen family?" I gave her a blank look but inside I was panicking thinking that she did notice Alice's and mine's stare down in the cafeteria.

"The Cullens...? Are people talking about them again?" Dad asked sounding angry making me immediately try to placate him "No-" only to be interrupted by Bella saying "Well, yeah, obviously" and roll her eyes. I gave her a 'you stupid bitch' look while dad scoff and started aggressively cutting his food.

"Just because they're newcomers and don't want to socialize....does know one realize how lucky we are to have Dr. Cullen? He's a fantastic surgeon that could've lived anywhere else in the world and gotten a better paycheck, but his wife wanted to live in a small, quiet, and peaceful town like ours. Their kids are great too! No smoking, drinking, drug use, or violence caused by them are anywhere to be found! Unlike the other kids that have lived here their whole lives. People should just shut up and be grateful that a nice family moved into town" dad ranted angrily.

I placed a hand on his arm and tried to soothe him "I know dad. The Cullens are really nice, once you get to know them. People are just bored and insecure so they talk" Bella sharply looks at me and sneers "And how would you know that, Della?!" I don't and instead find my hamburger more appealing.

 People are just bored and insecure so they talk" Bella sharply looks at me and sneers "And how would you know that, Della?!" I don't and instead find my hamburger more appealing

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Bella continued to glare at me with gears turning in her head making me uncomfortable as nausea built up in my stomach.

I sighed as I finished getting ready for bed after doing homework.

Only for Bella to barge in as I had forgotten to lock the door and promptly slapped me across the face "Stay away from my Edward you fucking skank!" She snapped

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Only for Bella to barge in as I had forgotten to lock the door and promptly slapped me across the face "Stay away from my Edward you fucking skank!" She snapped.

I looked at her like a deer in the headlights as I was baffled by both her words and sudden actions "Wait- what?" I asked dumbly wondering where she got the idea that A). Edward was hers and B). That I was trying to 'steal him from her'.

"You heard me! Edward's mine so stay away from him!" She snotily retorted making me give her a deadpan look "Okay first off Edward is not yours. He's a person not property, and if anyone has the power to claim Edward it would be his boyfriend Jasper. Second, I'm not interested in Edward, at all" Bella screeched "Liar!" And went to slap me again.

I grabbed her wrist and with a roll of my eyes, yanked it back and pinned it to her back and started pushing her out of my room. Bella struggled and hurled curses and insults at me that I ignored in favor of shoving her out of my room and shutting the door and locking it.

I walked back to my bed and falling face first on it after pulling on my headphones and letting Evanescence sing me to sleep.

Bella's POV
I stood at the door fuming before storming off to my room.

Edward, for some odd reason, was disgusted by me in biology class! He acted like he hated me! Which made no sense! I'm kind, smart, beautiful, sexy, shy, and innocent! I'm everything a man wants!

The only logical explanation was that Delia told lies about me to him to make him hate me and like her! She's becoming another obstacle in my way!

I slammed my bedroom door earning gripes from Charlie that I ignored and flopped on my bed to look at the book we were reading for English.

Romeo and Juliet.

It was a boring love story that wasn't about me so I hated having to read it until I met Edward, then I realized that I was Juliet and Edward was Romeo.

It all made perfect sense now. Jasper was Paris and Della was Tybalt. Two people trying to tear the star crossed lovers away from each other.

My face hardened at that 'No. I won't allow it. Either I fight for me and Edward to be together and kill Jasper and Della or Edward and I both kill ourselves so we can be together it's the only way'.

'The only way' I think before drifting off to sleep with big plans for tomorrow storming my mind.

I just wanna be yours Alice CullenWhere stories live. Discover now