| Chapter 10 |

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August 10, 2017

It had been a ten months since Miyeon had last seen Minnie.

When the girl broke the news of their quarrel to her parents, her father got angry with her, he knew how much Minnie needed Miyeon by her side and above all how difficult her life was.
Now that the brunette had rejected and even kicked her out, the younger had to be destroyed.

Miyeon didn't understand her father's actions at the time, but she was angry with herself too for letting her go.

She had tried several times to look for her, she had gone to the cafeteria and restaurant where she worked, but without finding her, both owners had said that Minnie had quit.

Miyeon during this period without her, she really realized how important the youngest was to her.
She wanted to go to Minnie's house, but while searching for her she realized that she knew almost nothing about her.

Minnie has always been there for her and the girl knew her better than she knew herself, but Miyeon never did anything for her. She didn't even know where she lived, didn't know if Minnie had a family or if she was an orphan.

Miyeon even tried to go back to that park, the memory of Minnie crying kept repeating in her mind, but she could never find her again.

She wanted to apologize for not believing her, after a month of their separation, Miyeon found out that Chanyoung really cheated on her.


Miyeon a week after the fight with Minnie had begun to notice strange changes in Chanyoung's attitudes and she had begun to have suspicions.

The following week Chanyoung was going on a business trip, but Miyeon decided to follow him secretly.

The boy had not gone abroad, as he had told, but he had booked a room for two in one of Seoul's most luxurious hotels for a week.

Arriving at the entrance of the hotel Chanyoung met a girl, kissed her and both entered the lobby.

Miyeon watched from her car. She started crying, she felt even more guilty for her best friend for trusting him and not Minnie who loved her more than anything in the world.

End of Flashbacks

After Miyeon found out that he was cheating on her, she decided to leave him.

The night they broke up, Chanyoung told the true version of what happened that famous afternoon.

Miyeon had only now realized that Minnie's condition that night was caused by Chanyoung, and because of that, she felt worse just remembering her calling Minnie 'Violent' when she was the one who suffered it all in silence.

Miyeon was in her new home, she had moved a few days ago to live alone, she had found an apartment near the university and was still unpacking the boxes.

She was in her studio as she dusted the bookcase shelves before she could fill them with books. Miyeon brought one of the boxes of books closer and started arranging them in order.

The girl was almost done, when a book caught her eye, it was the book she had given Minnie for Christmas two years earlier.

'What is this doing here? Why do I have it?' Miyeon thought

Until she remembered Valentine's Day, Minnie had the book with her that day when she stayed at her house and that memory made her feel even more angry, because of Chanyoung she had missed the appointment with the girl and Minnie got hurt.

Miyeon took the book and leafed through it, until she found an envelope with writing on it.

"For Miyeon, my Dahlia."

She was surprised to see her name on the envelope, but since it was addressed to her, she decided to open it. When she opened it Miyeon was greeted by Minnie's sweet scent. The girl felt nostalgic to smell that scent again, a smell she smelled every time Minnie's welcoming arms wrapped her in a warm hug.

Dear Miyeon,
You're so beautiful
Just looking at you makes me fall in love
Even when you pass by
Your sweet scent makes me fall even more, so fascinated

Covered by the splendor, behind your bright smile
I see the hidden side of you
Are you really as pretty as you seem?
I wanna keep you to myself and look at you

My love is Dahlia
Our love is Dahlia
I'm drunk on a flower called you
No matter what they say
I'll choose to love you anyway,
'Cause you're my Dahlia

I'm drunk with your bright scent
I'm running toward your embrace, yellow like the starlight
The color of this love is growing thicker
It deepened irreversibly, my walls broke down
I've lost everything, just this moment
I pray to God
Please, let this flower be beautiful forever

I'm getting more and more colored with you
My feelings getting deeper
Like a suddenly blossomed flower
I am being filled with you

So beautiful
Just looking at it with your eyes
Even when you pass by
I fall for your fascinating scent
I keep falling.

My beloved Miyeon,
these are my feelings for you,
I hope you will accept this love of mine.

Your K.M. 14.02.2016

By the time Miyeon finished reading the letter tears were already streaming down her face, she had hurt Minnie so much that she didn't even deserve her as a friend.

The girl looked inside the envelope and noticed a note and some seeds.

The note explained the meaning of the dahlia:

"Dahlia, whose meaning is of gratitude and affection . Miyeon, I have affection for you and I'm grateful for you being in my life.
I left you some seeds as a gift. I hope that when you see that flower bloom you will think of me and our long friendship that will last forever and that I hope will turn into mutual love.
I love you Miyeon, my beautiful Dahlia ."

Miyeon started sobbing as the tears continued to flow.

She had ruined the friendship Minnie hoped to keep forever.

Miyeon wanted that person back in her life and most of all she wanted to apologize to her for realizing too late that she reciprocated her feelings.

Miyeon loved Minnie, she had always known that, but she kept denying it.

That day Miyeon decided to plant those seeds which, after two months, blossomed.

The girl understood why the youngest liked that flower so much, it was beautiful and she was right to compare it to love, that flower needed special care and needed warm temperatures otherwise it risked dying, just like love, that love that Miyeon gave up and will continue to regret.

Every time she took care of the dahlia that Minnie had given her, the memory of the latter and of the affection that the latter gave her every day was never missing, an affection that was now lost forever, at least until Miyeon finds her beloved Minnie.

Miyeon will continue to love her Minnie forever.

Will Minnie do the same?

To Be Continued...

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