| Chapter 11 |

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November 22, 2017

It has now been a year since Minnie disappeared and Miyeon has never stopped her research.

Miyeon had considered contacting Bambam several times, but she was too afraid that he might get angry with her.

The girl wouldn't be surprised if he would be angry with her, after all the harm she had done to Minnie, surely she would have deserved a scolding from the boy.

After a year, she had finally decided to gather all her courage and contact him.

The brunette dialed the number and pressed the green button on the display, waiting for the boy to answer.

"Yes? Yeon, is that you?" Bambam asked from the other end of the line.

"B-Bam! Yes it's me, Miyeon. Sorry to only contact you now after so long." the girl said.

"Take it easy Yeon. Tell me, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" Bambam asked.

"I needed to ask you some questions. Is it a problem for you if we meet in the afternoon?" Miyeon asked.

"Of course! How about meeting at 5.30pm at the Lotus café? I heard it's a new place and they make excellent desserts." the boy said laughing.

"Of course, then see you later." Miyeon said.

"Yes, I'll send you the location."said BamBam.

"Thanks Bam." Miyeon said, ending the call.

Miyeon was satisfied with the phone call, unlike how she had imagined it, Bambam hadn't been angry with her and was even available to meet her.

The girl couldn't wait to see the boy again, it had been so long and he was the only memory she had of Minnie.

It was 5.20pm when Miyeon left her house. The girl was tense, but it was necessary for her to meet him.

Miyeon was already in front of the coffee shop, a mixed scent of coffee and croissants was in the air.

The girl was looking at her phone when a voice caught her attention.

"Yeon, you are more and more beautiful."

Miyeon raised her head and smiled as she saw Bambam smiling in front of her.

"Bam!" exclaimed Miyeon.

The two exchanged a hug and entered the cafeteria, occupying one of the tables.

After a few minutes the waiter came to take their order.

"Hi, what do you want to order?" the boy asked.

Bambam motioned for Miyeon to order her first.

"For me an Iced Americano." the girl said.

"For me a macchiato coffee, with chocolate biscuits. Thank you." Bambam said.

After a few minutes of waiting, their order arrived and the two began to converse.

"Long time no see, Yeon. How have you been?" the boy asked.

"Good. University studies keep me quite busy, but otherwise everything is ok." Miyeon said.

"You? How have you been, Bam?" the girl asked.

"Good. It's been two years since I graduated and now I'm working temporarily for a company, waiting to be able to find something else." the boy explained, making Miyeon nod.

"But let's get straight to the point. What did you want to ask me?" the boy continued.

Miyeon took a deep breath before starting to speak.

"Bam... have you heard something from Minnie?"

"I'm sorry Yeon, but I don't know anything about where or how she is. The last time I heard her was through a message left on her answering machine, but beyond that I have nothing. I can play it for you if you want."

Miyeon nodded, she wanted to hear Minnie's voice at least one last time.

Bambam picked up the phone and played the message.

"B-Bam, sorry for telling you like this. I know it's cowardly, but I wouldn't have had the courage to leave if I'd seen you. Unfortunately I'm running away and I'm sorry to do it without saying goodbye.

I know you may be wondering how I'm going to tell Miyeon... Bam... she and I haven't seen each other for ten months, she found out that I love her and kicked me out of her life, we had a fight and that's how I completely walked out of her life.

Bam... I ask you not to hate her for this and I also ask you to stay close to her, protect her for me.

I know it's funny to hear, I'm supposed to be the one hurt, but instead I'm here worrying about her... but it's inevitable, I love her too much Bam and I will continue to do so.

Please stay by her side.

I love you Bam, hope we could meet again someday."

Miyeon was in tears, Minnie's voice was so weak and fragile in the audio.

"This was on August 4th, I haven't heard anything from her since then, but I don't know what happened. Why did you two fight?" the boy asked, handing a handkerchief to Miyeon.

"It was all my fault. Last year, on her birthday, we went out together, but at one point Minnie left and never came back. When in the afternoon I met Chanyoung, he had a bruise on his cheek and told me it was Minnie who did it, threatening him to break up with me, because she was in love with me too. In the evening, when I met Minnie, I argued with her and said awful things to her, believing that idiot, then she never came back. After we broke up he told me the truth about that day and I felt so much anger. I wanted to apologize to Minnie for everything I'd done to her. A few weeks after our fight, I tried to look for her, but never found her. A few months ago, during the move, I found a letter from her, thanks to which I understood that I too have feelings for her, which go beyond simple friendship. I understood that I love her." Miyeon said, as a few tears traced her face.

"I'm sorry Yeon. Don't worry, I haven't stopped looking for her either, as soon as I have the opportunity I will send you news about her." the boy said, stroking Miyeon's back.

"Thanks Bam." Miyeon said, hugging the boy.

After a few more hours of talking, the two left the cafeteria.

"Then see you soon, Yeon. It was nice to be able to see you again and have a talk with you." the boy said.

"Me too Bam." She said "Ah... Bam, could you send me that recording?" the girl asked, while her gaze was now on the floor.

"Of course." said BamBam.

"Thank you."

The two hugged one last time before parting ways.

Miyeon went home, charged her phone and took a shower.

After finishing, she lay down on the bed and covered her eyes with her forearm, letting some tears fall.

Miyeon felt guilty for what she did to Minnie, wanted to run to her and hug her again.

How much she missed Minnie's warm hugs and pats on the back.

While in deep thoughts, Miyeon heard a notification sound, it was Bambam who had sent the recording audio to her.

That night she listened to that recording on loop, feeling nostalgic for all the good times she had with Minnie.

Miyeon cried that night, until she fell asleep with tear marks on her cheeks.

To Be Continued...

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