Chapter 4: New place, new job

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Suo was surprised and looked around for the person.

 “I’m here! Towards the screen!” Said the annoying high-pitched voice again. Suo took a glance and was taken aback. The screen displayed an animated figure of a person with a mask on.


 “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t” the boy replied back.

“C’mon! You look awfully calm”

“Shut your trap and get straight to the point. What do you want from me? Where am I? and most importantly, why?”

“My my, you sure have a lot of questions.” “Basically, you’re here to do a job for me. You don’t need to know where you are, and after completing the job, you can head home!” “Easy right?”

“And what if a refuse?” He was definitely not doing any job from just any person he meets and certainly not if he was welcomed like this.

“Great question! You just can’t! Your job is to-”

“And why is that?” Suo cut the man off.

“You really are getting on my nerves. Oh well, I would’ve shown you this later anyway.”

The lights suddenly went out. Suo was on his toes the whole time. He really was no in the mood to faint yet again. A long minute or two passed and, nothing. Not a single noise or a single soul in sight-even though it was really dark. Suo was about to call out for the man again, when something popped up on the screen. The boy turned his attention to it. It was an image, but something which made Suo lose his cool. Anger welled up inside him and his eyes felt like two orbs of fire. It was an image of a man, tied to a wooden chair, beaten really bad that his whole face was covered in blood. It was hard to make out the face, but the boy did. That familiar face was Eric, the one who had taken care of Suo and adopted him when he was left abandoned. This man was the man who had taught Suo everything which he knows now. Seeing him like this, Suo could not hold back his anger.

“You bastard! I’ll massacre your whole damn organization!”

“Now we’re talkin’, ain’t we!” “Judging by your reaction you definitely don’t want to watch this guy die now, would you?”

“What in God’s name do you even want!?”

“Alright let’s get to business now. You do a job I tell you to do and he lives” “Refuse and you’ll find a bullet hole straight through his head” Suo was really taken aback. How could someone as skillful as Eric even be caught? Nonetheless he had to play by the rules now.

“I’ll do it. But I have a condition”

“Do you really think you’re in the position to make deals now?”


“Alright, I’m in a good mood. What’s yer condition?”

“I’ll do as you say, I’ll complete this job of yours, but in return treat that person’s wounds, untie him and if you so much as put a scratch on him, I swear I really can, and I will mess you up.”

“You do have a crappy mouth, huh? Alright kid, you got yourself a deal, but don’t forget your part in it”

“Alright, what’s the job?”

“It’s a really simple assassination mission” “All you gotta do is infiltrate this school in Tokyo with a fake identity, get friends with the target, who’s going to start high-school this year as well, and somehow assassinate his dad.” “Easy money, right?” The man seemed really excited as if he was a total psychopath.

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