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In the dance of time, under the moon's soft glow,
We traced our dreams, where the night winds blow.
Hand in hand, we walked the path of destiny,
"Forever and always," our hearts' sweet symphony.

Our love, a promise etched in the winter's snow,
A silent vow, in the heart's quiet tableau.
In the canvas of the night, painted with starlight,
Our love story unfolded, a sight so bright.

But as seasons changed, so did the rhythm of our dance,
Our dreams started to fade, like a forgotten romance.
The promise of "forever," now a distant echo,
Lost in the labyrinth of time, in the heart's shadow.

Yet, in the silence of the night, under the moon's glow,
The memory of our dance, in the heart, continues to flow.
The promise etched in snow, may have faded away,
But the love we shared, in our hearts, will always stay.

In the echoes of our laughter, in the whispers of our sighs,
In the rhythm of our heartbeats, under the endless skies.
In the dance of the shadows, in the melody of the rain,
The memory of our love, in our hearts, will remain.

In the silence of the night, in the soft moon's glow,
In the dance of the stars, in the winter's snow.
The promise of "forever," may have faded away,
But the echo of our love, in our hearts, will always stay.

So here's to us, to the dance of time,
To the melody of our love, in rhythm and rhyme.
For even when the dance ends, and the music dies,
The echo of our love, in the heart, never lies.

In the labyrinth of memories, in the canvas of the night,
In the symphony of our love, under the moon's soft light.
The promise of "forever," may have become a distant echo,
But the love we shared, in our hearts, will continue to grow.

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