please wake up

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Lena's pov :

We went to the hospital and I was desperate and nervous.

Not so much nervousness as sadness and fear.

I don't want to lose Pablo, we haven't heard or seen each other for 3 years and I don't want to lose him now.

Still, Joao was right, he will really hurt Pablo if I don't marry him

That's what happened...

"is there any family or partner of Mr. Gavira here"

"only Lena, she is his girlfriend" - Pedri

"You are Lena, because he repeats your name all the time ?"



"can i see him"

" Yes of course"

I went inside, I saw him lying in the bed, how his wound was wrapped and all I wanted at that moment was to be next to him.

"I'm sorry Pablo, it's all my fault, I'm sorry I broke up with you, I'm sorry I left and I'm sorry I wanted to marry that idiot, I didn't want him to hurt you and he did it anyway"

"Pablo, please wake up"

"I'm here Pablo, please"

"I can't lose you Pablo"

" I love you"

Half an hour passed after that and in the end I fell asleep next to Pablo holding his hand.

2 hours later

Pablo's pov :

I woke up in the hospital, I didn't know anything at that moment, I didn't know what was happening, I only saw Lena sleeping next to me.

I saw the bracelet I threw away on my arm, the same bracelet I saw on her arm

I kissed her all over and after that she woke up


"morning princesa"

"I'm sorry I fell asleep, how are you"

"does it hurt"

"You want me to call the doctor"

"You want me to bring you something"

"Lena, calm down, I don't need anything, I'm fine"

"Sure, it's not difficult for me to bring you something"

"I want you here and I don't need anything else"

"Pablo, from now on I will always be there by your side, this will never happen to you again, I promise"

"Lena, I have the feeling that you blame yourself for this"

"so it's my fault"

"you are not"

"Pablo, if I hadn't left you, none of this would have happened, can you even imagine what our lives would look like if I hadn't done that then"

"Lena, please calm down, we are young, we have our whole lives ahead of us"

"Are you really not angry?"

Pablo's pov :

I really don't know what's wrong with her, why would I be angry with her?

She didn't shoot me, the truth is that my heart was broken these 3 years and when I thought she loved Joao, but now everything is fine.

I feel at home now.

Lena is my home

Fortunately, the bleeding was not heavy and in the end everything went as it should, I just wanted  to come home as soon as possible.

After 2 days I finally arrived home, I don't know why, but I was scared in one hand, I don't know how everything will go between me and Lena now

What if we are simply not like before

What if we are simply not for each other anymore.

"Gavi, go upstairs to your room, you need to rest"

"Do you know where Lena is?"

"love boy, she will come, she went to get your fruit, you need to rest"

"hahaha okay"

After 20 minutes someone knocked on my door, I honestly hoped it was Lena but I couldn't be sure

But yes, it was her.

My heart was in the right place.

I was so happy to see her.

It's not like we saw each other yesterday, but it doesn't matter.

"Hello Pablo"

"hello my princesa"

" how are you"

"I feel better as soon as I see you"

She smiled when I said that.



"did something happen, you look worried to me"

" not only"

"I'm listening to you, tell me"

"do you think it's too early for this conversation"

She confused me completely.

I had no idea what he was thinking

"tell me, Lena, what's going on"

"I don't want you to burden yourself with that"

" please tell me "

"do you think you will ever give me a second chance, or better said 101"

" me to you? You broke up with me, I think I'm the one who should beg for a second chance"


" I'm serious"

"so you forgave me"

" me to you? What do I have to forgive you, Lena, how many times do I have to tell you that it's not your fault, you did absolutely nothing wrong"

"you really think so"


"I love you Pablo"

"I love you too, princesa"

"but Lena, will you be my girlfriend again and that until the moment you become my wife"

" yes Pablo, more than anything"

Lena's pov :

I smiled, kissed and hugged him.

Pablo is now only mine and I won't give him to anyone else

My Pablo.

I am his and he is mine💖

end of chapter 39🫶🏼

Only 2 chapters🥲🔜

I hope you like it!

I love you all<3

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