Chapter 7

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Tigo came to pick me up from aunt's house, he was introduced to Atlas as well but from the looks of things he was not a fan. The ride home was quiet and he did not say much unlike how he usually asks about my day.


We had basketball practice and I was supposed to pick up Kris and Lily, and by picking up I mean walking to their house because we stayed in the same area. But unfortunately, Kris was not feeling okay and Lily had a date with her supposed ex-boyfriend, yes she was obsessed. I wonder why she could not just move on because she even dropped her standards to be with that boy, she did him a favor by accepting him in the first place.  Apparently, she wanted closure, but we all know that is just a way of needing him to explain why he hurt her. What does it do to fix you? I asked myself if she wanted to know if he was sorry and if he regretted what he did but we know he is not. I wanted to tell her that he was not worth her, and he did not value her in any way but I did not want to add salt to her wounds, if talking to him brought her even an ounce of peace, even if it was just her being delusional then so be it.

So I decided to call a taxi this time, already dressed and ready for my basketball practice. I said bye to Mwiza seeing as she was the only person at home. Mom and Tigo were at work while Vichie was at school.

The car dropped me at the local university where we used to play basketball, I got out of the car and the driver drove off. I was surprised to see that the place was quiet but then I remembered that It was only our team practicing today and I came early. I looked around but I did not see anyone, the confusing part was that their stuff was on the floor so they were obviously here somewhere. I start looking for them, heading to the resting shelter when I spot two braided heads, it was probably them.

As I continued walking closer, the two girls seemed to not be moving, could they be sleeping? I asked myself as I continued moving toward them. When I was a respectable distance away from them, I froze. There was blood splashed everywhere, around them and on the table. I gasped at the sight, tears running down my face like water, I did not know whether they were alive or dead. I rushed to them and tried shaking them but their bodies were still, I quickly got my phone and called my brother who assured me that he would be coming with the police.

I turned one of the girls from where her face was and I screamed when I saw that her eyeballs were not in their sockets, I rushed to the other side of the table and found the same thing was done to the other girl. Fear gripped me, I had never seen anything like that in my whole life, I moved away from the bodies, I was sure now that they were dead. Tigo told me to wait and not go anywhere but I was too scared to be near the dead bodies so went to the open ground and waited for the police from there. My legs felt wobbly and I fell to my knees, I held my legs to my chest and desperately tried to say the lord's prayer but I could not get any words out. 

It felt like I had waited an eternity for the police to come, I could have sworn that time had frozen and I was in that moment of fear and agonizing dread.

Immediately the police came my brother rushed to me and clung to him for dear life, a few other people showed up along with the police but I was too confused to notice who they were. Tigo tried to lead me to his car but we were stopped by the police, "The girl has to come with me sir," The police officer told my brother and more fear gripped me. "I will go with her," Tigo said dismissively but the officer refused to oblige. "You know how this works Mr. Tigomezya," she is your sister, you can not come along. He promised that everything would be okay, the officers only wanted to take my statement he said. "I have told Mom she is on her way, do not worry. You have not done anything wrong, you have been really brave," he finishes and I am led into the police vehicle. We start moving and Tigo follows just behind us which calms me a little.


We arrive at the police station and I am led inside, "go into that office, our homicide detective will see you soon," the same office says, "Tigo?" I ask because our town was small and he was the only homicide officer around. "No, someone else." He responds and walks away, I am surprised but I just enter the room and wait.

The room was cold, and empty, except for the center which had one big table and two chairs facing each other, just like in movies. I take a sit and make sure it is on the chair that is directly facing the door. There was a light on top of my head though it was not really bright and at the corner of the room, I could see a camera. I sit there for some time with my head bowing down and the the door creeks, and opens. My mind was not expecting to see who I saw walking in. "Atlas," I say almost inaudibly, "hello Agatha," he responds, sounding cold and harsh. You think you know someone.

"I am going to ask you a few questions to which I expect honest answers, there is a camera as you can see just right over there and people are watching and listening to everything you have to say. Please comply," he says. "There is no need to treat me like a criminal, all I did was report two dead bodies. Do not make me regret my decision," I say to him, feeling myself getting angry because I did not understand why suddenly everyone was treating me like a  criminal.

"I am sorry we made you feel that way Miss Agatha Luo, but kindly bear with us, we are just trying to do our job and you can agree with us when we say what has happened is very unusual. So your statement is very important." From there he records everything that I say, and I tell him and everyone else who was listening what happened and how I found the bodies, meanwhile, the others got my phone and were going through it. I sat there, waiting for this nightmare to be over, I wanted to go home. 

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