Chapter 12

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Although we drove off from the scene we knew that whatever happened there would follow us, it would follow me. I was scared and worried, each second that passed I kept looking back thinking they would be just behind us, following me. I had committed no crime but I felt guilty and responsible. I had no idea what was happening to me.

"Is everything okay, my sweetheart? you are panicking." My mother said and I just realized that my distress was so very obvious, before I could respond, Vichie held my hand and started. "Let's say the lord's Prayer, Agatha," it was just her and I at the back, Mother and Mwiza sat in the front. Vichie and I said the Lord's prayer and soon Mwiza joined us as well, and with every word it felt like commanding the anxiety to disappear. What was happening in our town was really strange and it just seemed like it was getting worse with each passing day. We could only wait for an update from Tigo at this point.


"I need you to go back, it's no longer safe here. Listen!" I heard my mother shout at my sister, Mom wanted Mwiza to go back to school. Well not really school because they were still closed but she wanted her out of town, she would be staying with one of our relatives who lived near her university. She did not want Mwiza's studies to be disturbed by what was going on, I agreed with her though I also agreed with Mwiza's decision to stay back, because who in their right mind would live their family in a town where people were dying like chickens and have peace wherever they were?

"I'm not going anywhere Mom, not after what I just saw today! If am leaving then you are all leaving with me. I'm not going!" she shouts back this kept going on for what felt like forever, Tigo wasn't home yet and everyone was worried and anxious to know what was happening, we did not turn on the news, it only made things appear more tragic than they already are, the mother often says but at this point, things were already on a whole different level of tragic. I went downstairs, and just as I got to where the two women were arguing Tigo walked in as well. Well, to say he looked horrible would have been an understatement, "My baby!" Mom went on and hugged him, "Are you okay, are you hurt?" she asked, "I am pretty sure he is the least of hurt people today," I said in a low voice, "Says the girl who is always present whenever there's a massacre," he responded and suddenly the atmosphere changed and for a second there I could have sworn I saw so much hate and anger in him but it was soon covered up.

"What are you trying to say?" Mwiza asked with confusion and anger, "Nothing, I am sorry, I should not have said that. It's just that people at work are talking about how Agatha is always presented when such things happen." I moved toward him and looked him dead in the eye,, "Are you trying to say that I have a hand in the killings? The first time I found those girls already dead and this time we were all together so what are you saying?" I ask him, finally tired of people blaming me for all the vile things that have been happening. "I am saying that the boy who was found dead, the boy whose eyeballs were extracted from the eye sockets is your friend Lily's boyfriend!" My eyes opened so wide I thought they would pop, at that point I did not know what to feel in a second I went to Lily and the pain that she might have been going through, and then everything just froze and Tigo continued, "If you are feeling remorseful then you might want to know that the dear love of your life "Atlas," recorded you while you were telling him how much you hated Chipego. so now, you are a prime suspect in the murder of Chipego Phiri."

I was still trying to process what was happening, things were escalating, and my heart was breaking and being shredded into a million pieces. why was this happening to me, and why now? "She can not be a prime suspect unless there is evidence or a motive that leads officers to believe that she committed the crime, educate yourselves!" Mwiza defended, Tigo laughed bitterly and responded to her "Agatha was found at the first crime scene a month ago, apparently she discovered the bodies. When the bodies were examined, it was only her fingerprints that were found, honestly, Agatha how stupid can you be to not know that you are not supposed to touch a body that has been brutally murdered like that?"

"And as if that is not enough, she tells a police officer that she hates her friend's boyfriend and would like to show him and make him feel an equal amount of hurt to what her friend has been feeling. Wait it does not end there, a week later, the boy ends up dead in the same state the two girls died and there is a massive bombing that results in people losing their lives and others being badly injured, and guess who just happens to be at the scene, Agatha."

I felt powerless, the person who was supposed to be by my side always, no matter what, was now accusing me of being a serial killer. "But you know I would never hurt anyone right?" I looked at Tigo and asked him, hoping that he would just hug me and say that he believed me, hoping he would say that even when everything and everyone pointed their hands at me and called me a murderer he would be the one to rescue and defend me but he just looked away.

"I believe you,"  Mwiza and Vichie said at the same time, Tigo walked away first, and "I think I need some air," Mom said and walked towards the front door, they were gone. Vichie and Mwiza embraced me and reassured me. Tears kept falling down my face and I could not stop them, I had no idea what was happening, I was so scared.

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