The Lost Wind

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morning had come. light slowly illuminated Aether's room, telling him that it was time to wake up, bitch! ahem... my bad.

a new day. new memories. and a new journey awaits.

Mondstadt slowly came to "life" as its citizens began to do their own activity.

from cat tails, adventure guild, flower shop and many more.

this is how Mondstadt starts its morning routine.


???: kyaaaa!

the scream coming from the front gate. the knights that guarding the front gate were passed out.

a moment later, four figures entered the mondstadt.

Diablo: kufufufu~ shall we begin?

Ultima: hmph. I wish I could participate in this chaos *pouts*

Testarosa: you ended up killing citizens, ultima. and that's against the orders that rimuru-sama gave us *pats ultima on the head*

Carrera: *sighs* it was inevitable...

alright then... let's go!

instantly, a horde of demons invaded the mondstadt, causing tremendous panic.

the citizens ran for their lives, while the knight favonius did their best to repel the invaders.

Ultima: now... who will win? *smirk*

Diablo: even though I have few dependents, you shouldn't underestimate them.

Carrera: heh. too bad we can't summon a higher demon, cihh.

Testarossa: well, if that was allowed then Cien might've scared them off. and that makes me the winner, doesn't it? *laughs*

Diablo: we'll see.

the lesser demons started rampaging here and there without hurting the citizens, just like Rimuru ordered.

the scene switches to Aether's room as he and Paimon are awakened by the commotion.

as they peered through the window, what they saw was terror... or perhaps fear.

a demon is attacking Mondstadt.

Aether: what the hell is this?

Paimon: o-oi! what is that thing!?

they then quickly left the inn and went to the person who first came to mind. Jean.

*Meanwhile, inside Favonius' HQ*

the headquarters is now in a panic due to the sudden appearance of the demons.

however, with Jean's leadership, they began to calm down and started the operations to drive the demons away from their land.

Jean: hurry up! we don't have time! make sure to evacuate the citizens first!

Knights: yes captain!

the knights begin searching for citizens all over mondstadt.

at this moment, in her room. jean stood in front of the mirror while holding the necklace that rimuru had given her last night.

Jean: *breathe in* *breathe out* protect mondstadt and its citizens!

Aether: jean! *enters her room*

Jean: *shocked* t-traveler!?

Aether: what happened?

Jean then began to explain what happened while they went to the "battlefield"


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