Fork In The Road

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The sun began to set behind the mountain, engulfing the open fields and forests with darkness. The stars in the sky struggled to shine their glow through the thick red clouds above and the moon was but a sliver in the sky, only visible through slight breaks in the clouds.

"Welcome home," Scott said, looking over the city he once knew.

"We finally made it," Selena sighed with relief.

"I don't know if I'd be excited just yet," Eden replied, staring over the overgrown town below. The streets were broken apart, trees sprouted up from the sidewalks, and buildings were being constricted by the unforgiving vines they had encountered in the forest.

"We're not staying long, in and out—promise," Scott said, smirking smugly.

"Then let's stop wasting time up here," Selena said, beginning the descent to the ground below. Scott shrugged and followed behind her closely. Eden looked behind them wondering if it would just be easier to turn back and pretend they had never made the journey upriver again. The pale red glow from the clouds bounced off of their face as the wind wisped through their hair gently. They inhaled sharply and followed behind Scott quickly. Once on the ground, it became clear how far gone Westbrooke was.

The uneven ground below felt as if it could swallow them whole at any moment, the sidewalk was non-existent, and all of the architecture was being swallowed by vines and foliage. Trees sprouted from the streets and the sides of buildings while the crisped mummified corpses of those unlucky enough to be left behind stood frozen in their final resting places looks of terror plastered on their faces. Scott stared at the dead bodies, not with fear or confusion but with curiosity and fascination. He dragged his finger along the arms of some and the clothing of others.

"You think it hurt?" Scott asked, picking burnt skin fragments from under his fingernails.

"I can't imagine it felt like anything. They probably felt an overwhelming sense of horror before...poof," Eden replied, feeling their stomach tense with anxiety.

"That's a bit dark," He replied, side-eyeing them.

"Well, nuclear war is a bit dark, you just don't realize it until it becomes reality," Eden said, pushing one of the husks over. The figure fell gently before crashing to the ground. As it struck the cracked pavement below it shattered into an ash-like powder. The breeze scattered most of it and what remained was just a pile of cinder sifting in between the cracks below.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you psycho?" Scott shouted, confused by Eden's new attitude.

"You, you're what the fuck is wrong with me! We barely escape a nuclear blast before almost drowning, then we escape by the skin of our teeth. After that, Selena and I have a near-death experience with killer vines and you bring us into a radioactive wasteland, why? Because you need to resolve your daddy issues? Fuck you, Scott!"

Without hesitation, Scott brought the back of his hand to Eden's face swiftly. The slap echoed through the vacant town as they fell to the ground caressing their cheek.

They stared up at Scott, a look of anger and broken trust worn across their face. Before anything could be said between the two of them Scott was struck with a mighty right hook from Selena. He stumbled backward holding his cheek as Selena reached out to help Eden up.

"Go fuck yourself, Scott," She said, placing herself between the two of them.

"So now you're tough and mighty huh? Okay," Scott said, spitting blood onto the ground.

"Then go. Let's see how long you survive without me," He finished, continuing on his way.

She thought for a moment before taking a step toward him, before she could inch forward, Eden's hand gripped the back of her coat and pulled her back to reality.

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