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I woke up just as the sun was rising. I slowly opened my eyes. That's when I saw that I was on Freen's body. I slept on her body. She is hugging me tightly so that I don't fall from her arms. At the same time, i remembered about last night. My cheeks were hot.

She took my virginity last night. I am hers now. I respect her a lot. She honored my word and treated me gently last night. She told me that she cares about me. I felt it. I felt it in her every word, in her every touch. I'm so glad that she is the person that i married.

Seriously, those touches of hers drive me crazy. She took me as i was like a feather, respectfully and carefully till the destination. My world stops when she kissed me. My mind is screaming her name. I know this is an arranged marriage. But I don't understand what  I feel with her. I like her. She showed me yesterday that my decision was right.

As I was in my own thoughts, I realized that her arms around my body were tightening around me. She pulled me into her as much as possible. That means now she has woken up. My cheeks started to heat up again. She opened her beautiful yet womanizer eyes that always pulled me into her.

" Good morning, Cupcake. " Oh my god. Her morning voice. I'm getting moisture between my legs only listening to her voice...  And hey, That nick name is sooooooo cute.

" G-good m-m- " What the hell. What is wrong with my throat??? Where is my voice??? It's feels so sore.

After hearing my reply she chuckled.

" It's ok, Cupcake. Don't mind it. Here, Drink this. " She said and grabbed a water bottle from beside her lamp table. For surprise, i drank whole bottle. I didn't know if i that much thirsty. Or may be our previous............. And that's hit me. I'm still NAKED. and ABOVE HER.

I slowly move away from her and lied down on the bed. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over my chest. I blushing harder. She was looking at me like a hungry person.

" W-what ? " I asked stuttering.

" You're so cute. " She said and came near to my face. " And what's the reason covering this now, Cupcake. I already saw it. " She said and gave a peck to my lips. She is not helping. I don't know i feel like burning inside.

Oh, she is driving me crazy.

" I- um i need to go to the bathroom. " I don't know what to say anymore. I want to run. So i said that and looked at her. She nodded.

" Ok. Wait. I'll help you. " She tried to help me but i stopped her.

" N-no. No. I can do that. " I said and she gave me a challenging look.

" Are you sure? " She asked. She has a smirk on her face so i glared at her. I wrapped the blanket before i try to get up.

" Of course i can. " I said and tried to get up but i fell into the bed again.  " Ahh " My legs were so weak. My body so sore. It's like, she sucked my all energy out of my body yesterday night. When i fell into bed again, i heard her chuckled. She chuckled. She is freaking chuckled. I glared at her and she stopped that and came to my side. I gulped. Not gonna lie, She is so hot in the morning. She leaned to my face.

" So, Cupcake. Would you let me help you, Now? " She asked. Ok, i have no option so i nodded. She wrapped the blanket around me carefully and carried me on as bridal way. My right hand wrapped around her neck while my left hand clutched her shirt. She slowly carried me to the bathroom. On our way i was looking at her face. I don't know but when she near me it's feel like butterflys flying in my tummy.

She carefully carried me to the bathroom and placed me on the bathtub. I don't want her to watch me bath so i said to her, she can leave now.

" F-freen, i can manage now. Y-you go. " I said and she nodded. Before she leave placed a soft kiss on my forehead. I looked down because i'm blushing that moment.

I took a bath. I washed my body. When i touched my body it's feels like something else. Like, it's so new. It's feel like my body craving for her already. And, it's feels so good. I looked at mirror. I can see lots of love marks all over my neck and chest area. I touched there and it's brought a smile on to my face, that i think any moment going to break my face.

After bathing i managed to go outside. I mean yes, i walking like a granny but i... whatever. When i came outside, freen is nowhere to be find. So i dressed up and went to the downstairs. I went to the dining table and she already prepared our breakfast. When she saw me, she called,

" Oh, Come here becky. We need to hurry. I'm already late for the company. " She said and i nodded. We silently got our breakfast.

After done with our breakfast we decide to go to company. After cleaning our plates, i came to the living room and she followed me. Before i grabbed my bag she held my hand. I turned to her. She has something to tell me on her mind, but she didn't. I gave her time for it. After that she begin,

" Um, Can i ask a question? " She asked. I nodded and said,

" Yeah. "

" Uh, D-do you regret it? I mean yesterday night. Is it really ok with you? " I can see sadness in her eyes. I cares her hand.

" No, i'm not regret anything. Yesterday night is the best night of my life. " I said and smiled at her. She also smiled at me.

" Thank you. I'll treat you better. I promise. " She said. I smiled and nodded. After our conversation she held my hand and interwined with hers. She guide me to the car and carefully closed the door. After that she also came to her seat and we both went to the company.


Be ready........

My Bunny is a Mafia Queen ( Freenbecky )Where stories live. Discover now