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" Please, wake up, baby. You scaring me. " Becky said and her tears fell to freen's face. With that freen slowly moved her fingers. Becky saw that and immediately stood up. Other's startled with becky's action and came near to her. " F-freen " Becky slowly talked to her and touched her hand with becky's both hands.

Freen slowly opened her eyes and looked around. After that she closed her eyes again and groans because of her wounds hurting. As soon as saw that freen is awke, engfa talked.

" Hey, hey, don't move. Are you alright, buddy?" Engfa asked and freen just nodded.

Again freen roamed her eyes around room and with her coldly voice, talked.

" What are you doing here? " Hearing what freen said becky's eyes widened. That the same voice she talked when they meet at the mall for the first time. That the same voice she talked when they met non at the event. After hearing freen's voice becky's legs went weak.

" F-freen " Becky slowly talked and freen looked at her.

" Oh, cupcake, why are you crying? Come here, babe. " After saw becky's crying there freen little back away and sat there leaning on to bed's headboard. After that she pulled becky to her embrace, As she wouldn't hurt too much from her wounds. Becky crying on freen's shoulder while freen slowly stroked becky's hair. After few seconds later becky buried her head on freen's neck. Freen hugged her closer to her with her free hand. Becky thought freen would get Amnesia or something. Because of that, She was wide awake last night, thinking about different scenarios about this. She was very scared after hearing her voice.

" Why are you talked to me like that? " Becky asked still crying.

" W-what? No no, darling. It's not you. It's to heidi. Not you. " Freen said and kissed becky's side head. Engfa cleared her throat and begin to talk.

" Freen, she is the one who brought you to here. " Engfa said and freen looked at her.

" What? " Freen said and looked at heidi with widened eyes. After looking at freen's reaction engfa and noey nodded. Freen sighs and looked at heidi. " Oh,I'm not remember anything. I'm sorry, heidi. Sorry to be rude to you. And thank you so much for what you done to me. " Freen said and heidi smiled at her.

" Oh, no, it's ok, freen. I'm happy to that you're ok. And, i think, it's better if i leave now. " Heidi said while smiling at them. Freen smiled at her and nodded.

" Again, thank you, heidi. If you need anything please come to us. I'm sorry if i treated you badly." Freen said while stroking becky's hair.

" Oh no no. It's all past. I don't think about that anymore. After all, i still can be friends with you guys, right? " Heidi said and looked at them.

" Of course. " Charlotte said and hugged her. Others also smiled at her.

After heidi leaving, they all turned to freen.

" Are you ok, freen? Do you need something? " Noey asked. Freen shook her head and kissed becky's head again. 

" No, guys. I'm ok. " Freen said and they nodded. With that becky back away a little and looked at freen through her tears.

" I'm- i'm sorry, freen. I'm the reaso-" Becky couldn't continued what she about to say because freen pulled becky's hand and kissed becky's lips. Others are looked at the sight while smiling. After few seconds later freen broke the kiss and held becky's face with her free hand while stroking her thumbs over becky's cheek.

" You don't have any idea how happy i'm right now. You're my life becky. Always remember that. I love you. I love you so much. Don't ever leave me again like that, please. I'm lost without you, my love. When I was this accident, the only thing came to my mind is you becky. Your name. Your smile. Your scent. I'm craving for you even a time like that. I thought only one thing that time, becky, That is the cruelest punishment I will receive if I have to die without seeing your face. But look. I'm alive. Because god gave me a another chance to prove my love to you, cupcake. And, i'm asking only one thing. Just give me a one chance, baby. " Freen said and rested her forehead on becky's.

After hearing what freen said becky's smiled at her through her tears and nodded her head. Others are lovingly looking at the scenes. Charlotte and irin clinging to their partners. Becky back away a little and nodded her head again saying 'yes'. Freen smiled at her and kissed her lips again.

They spend their time like this. After few minutes later doctor came to the room and checked freen.

" You have to do some tests , Mrs. Freen. That's it. Looks like you ok. But you have to careful with your arm and leg. Don't walk until your wound heal and don't move your arm that much. " Doctor said and politely smiling at freen.

" Ok, doctor. But, um, can i go to my house again. I really don't like to stay here. Hospitals smells are killing me. " Freen asked and becky glared at her while others laugh at her including doctor.

" Oh, Mrs. Freen. It's ok. Yes you can. But, first you have to done your tests. After that you can go. " Doctor said and freen nodded.

After that doctor took freen to do her tests and result are normal. So, doctor gave permission her to go home but with heavy conditions, like, don't move too much, Stay on bed till healing, Drink medicines on time, Don't stress yourself and etc. Freen listen to them carefully and nodded.

They all came to the parking lot and Engfa and Noey helped freen to walk. Becky, Charlotte and irin came behind them. Engfa decide to drive charlotte's car and put freen on backseat,becky sat beside her. Charlotte sat on passenger seat. Noey and irin decided to came on noey's car. On the way becky made sure freen comfortable. After an hour later they came to freen's house and parked their cars.


So, yeah, NO Amnesia. 😌❤️

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