wedding after 2 weeks

570 30 31

Next Day(parents meeting)

Taehyung calls Y/n- Are u ready?

Y/n- I am nervous sir.

Taehyung- Don't worry I will be there with u.

Y/n- Hope they will accept us.

Taehyung- Yes,my appa has approved then ur parents will approve for sure.

Y/n- It's not about my mom but my dad...he will ask u so many questions and...

Taehyung- and?

Y/n- yes eommaa... coming wait.

She cuts the call.

Taehyung- Hello miss y/nn..miss y/n and what?


It's okay I am not nervous..I am confident...Yes I should continue this.

Dad- Taehyung let's go.

Taehyung- Yes,dad coming.

Taehyung while going to y/n's home... calling Jungkook.

Taehyung- Jk I am going to my In law's house...

Jungkook-Wow then confirm your marriage and give us party..yehh

Taehyung- But I am a little bit nervous.

Jungkook-No need to be nervous just show as you normal.

Taehyung thinking- This is what I said to miss y/n.

Jungkook-hello Tae?

Jungkook-hello Tae?

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Taehyung- Yes yes...I will call u again if there's any problem.

Jungkook-Yes,All the Best.

Taehyung- Thank u.

Tae and his dad reaches y/n' home.

Y/m- Hello Sir..hello son ín law.

hello son ín law

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