Honeymoon shower 🔞

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After some days...


Y/n- Yes,eomma

Mrs Kim- Have you packed your luggage?

Y/n-Yes eomma in progress.

Mrs Kim-Then keep it with you.

Y/n-What is this?

Mrs Kim- it's a secret that you should only open on the honeymoon night.

Y/n- But what is this?

Mrs Kim-I Won't tell you now...you open that day and will get to know.

Y/n-okay..I got it
Thank you so much.

Mrs Kim- Keep your best care my daughter and do tell me if Taehyung teases you I will show you his childhood naked photos.

Y/n*laughing*- Eommaa...hanhanhanha

Yeonjun from Mrs Kim's back- Eomma she has already seen...no mean in showing now.

Mrs Kim-Yaa Yeonjun that's different thing and small photos are different.

Yeonjun-But both are of only one perosn...so of course what he had in childhood he will continue with it.

Y/n*shy*- Yaaa Yeonjun shut up.. you are so bad han.
I am shy can't you see.

Yeonjun-No because you don't have any facial expressions always looks disgusting.

Mrs Kim pats on his shoulder- How can you say something like this to my daughter.

Yeonjun-I am going you guys are very confusing...han

Mrs Kim- So go who told you to come here...go



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Taehyung- Wow you packed my luggage too.... thank you jagiya come here let me hug you...aaa


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