The red wedding dress

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Having just arrived at the captain's, Holmes said: "Hello, Captain!  I have a few questions about the thefts on the ship.”  The captain replied in a hurry: "Yes, of course, fire away!"  “Do you currently have enemies, such as other cruise companies that compete with you?”

The captain replied: “Wait, yes, the ship company “Hellner” was the most famous before our company was founded.  The owners of Hellner still haven’t forgiven us for that!”  Holmes asked, "Could you give me a list of the passengers currently on the ship and also a list of the people stolen from?  This way I can talk to the victims!”

The captain gave Holmes two lists and the two said goodbye.  Holmes went out onto the deck again, where he saw Watson with Cate.  They were no longer in the pool but were now sitting on a lounger.  Watson and Cate were kissing.

But then Holmes intervened.  Holmes pulled Watson away.  But Cate had her eyes closed and was about to kiss Watson.  But because Watson was dragged away, Cate didn't kiss Watson, she kissed Holmes.  Holmes blushed completely.  Watson pushed Holmes away and kissed Cate.

Holmes went away and threw Watson's suitcases out of his cabin.  When Watson saw this, he took the suitcases and went with them into Cate's cabin.  Watson settled into Cate's cabin.

The next day:
Watson was dressing up in the men's restroom.  Meanwhile, Cate was professionally styled in her cabin.  Everything was also being prepared diligently on the deck.  The reception takes place in the restaurant.  Preparations lasted from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.  At 3:50 p.m. Watson was very excited.

Suddenly something important occurred to him.  He ran to Holmes and asked him, "Oh, I forgot to ask someone if they wanted to be best man!  Would you maybe do that?”  Holmes said: "Okay, but then you have to promise me that you will investigate with me again soon.  And we have to get along again!”  Watson replied: "Ok, I don't feel like being insulted or anything anymore anyway.  Oh and thank you!”

Then Watson left again.  When it was finally 4 p.m. and everyone was gathered on the deck, Cate came over the stairs onto the beautiful deck.  There were rose petals everywhere on the deck and there were many benches and a gate made of rose vines.

Watson stood among the rose vines.  When he saw Cate his jaw dropped.  Luckily no one saw it.  Cate walked toward Watson on a pink carpet.  Now Cate and Watson stood in the middle under the gate, with Holmes on the right and a priest from the ship's church on the left.

The priest said, "We are gathered today to betroth Cate Gösting and John Watson!  Cate do you want to marry John Watson?”  Cate replied, "YES." Then the priest said, "How about them, Watson?  Would you like to marry Cate Gösting too?" Watson replied: "I can't say no to that!"

Suddenly all the adults had to laugh.  The priest continued: “You two are now committed to the eternal bond of love!  You can kiss now!”  The two lovebirds didn't need to be told that twice!

But suddenly Cate became nervous.  She saw one or more figures with a weapon.  She said to Watson: "I didn't think anything of it, but I was threatened that I would be killed today!  I have to go!  You are here!  Please promise me one thing, do something about your excess weight!  Go to the gym, please!  Bye!"  Watson said, "Cate don't go!  Please we will find another solution!”

But Cate just kissed Watson goodbye and then ran away.  She ran away as fast as she could!  Watson and Holmes ran after Cate.  Cate was about to jump off the board, but then the figure or figures shot her.

3 shots hit her in the back.  The other people also noticed the murder and ran to the body.  Watson kissed the corpse and cried profusely.  So Cate’s sister’s daughter said to Cate’s sister to her mother: “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeathed with!  Mommy, that’s disgusting!”  Rosie's mother said: "Come on, darling, let's go!"

Little by little the other people left too.  Suddenly a voice said: “Are those tears in her eyes, Sherlock!  And you too, Watson, could pull yourself together a bit!”  Holmes looked up, startled.

He was afraid it was his big brother!  Holmes said, "Hello Mycroft!"  Mycroft asked: "What are you doing here Sherlock!?"  Holmes said, "Watson and I are investigating on the ship!  But why are you here?”  Mycroft replied: "I wanted to go on holiday!  That's what you do on a cruise ship like this.

And Watson has lost the love of his life again, interesting!”  Holmes and Mycroft walked away from the scene.  Mycroft said: "I wanted to introduce you to someone, it's a girl!"  Holmes looked at his brother in horror.

But before Holmes could comment, Mycroft was already pulling him across the deck.  After 5 minutes the two stood in front of a girl.  The girl looked like Holmes only female.  The girl was wearing a fancy school uniform.  The special thing about the uniform is that it has an old look.

The uniform includes a white shirt with a tie, as well as the pleated skirt with the tartan pattern on it.  But that wasn't the whole look - it also includes high leather boots.

The girl said to Holmes: "Hello!  You must be Sherlock Holmes.  That sounds a bit crazy, but we know each other!”  Holmes said, "Mycroft must be kidding, because it's not funny!"  Mycroft said, "No, it's not a joke!"  Holmes was confused.

The three of them sat down on a bench and then the girl said: "I'm Emilia, Emilia Holmes.  I'm 16 years old now and I'm going to high school on this ship.  Holmes, I am your daughter!”  Holmes was paralyzed and said: "That can't be true!  We probably just have the same last name, that can happen!”  Emilia said: “Yes, but only presumably!  Mom died when I was 2 and I lived with my aunt.  Mom always said my dad was dead, but I think she just didn’t want you to know about me!”  Holmes said, "You must be confusing me with someone!  Have a nice day!”

Then Holmes walked away.  Mycroft looked at Emilia ignorantly and walked behind Holmes.  Emilia didn't stay at the bank either, but went to the café.  Holmes said: "What would that mean, Mycroft!  I don't have a daughter and if I do I'm happy with myself and Watson in life.  Besides, Watson and I already walk each other a lot, so I don’t need another person!”

Sherlock Holmes and The Cruise (English)Where stories live. Discover now