Part 27

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"I kinda want to call my mom and tell her about the proposal," You said, looking down at your hand

"Call them baby. Wouldn't they be happy that you met the man of your dreams?" Eric asked as he held your hand in the back seat.

"I haven't talked to them since I told them I was pregnant with my dad's best friend's kid," You said with a sigh

"Wait, a second Ted is your dad's friend? Does your dad know how he treats you?" The drummer asked

"Oh, that's why we never talked again. They hate how Ted treats me, but I was having his baby. What was I supposed to do?" You asked.

"Well, first thing in the morning, we will call them and make arrangements to see them, okay? I want them to know me and their future grandkids," Eric said before pulling you into a kiss.

You sighed and kissed the drummer back passionately. Excitement taking over your whole body as Eric pulled you in to his lap. You ran your hands through his hair, pulling him as close to your body as possible. He pulled away and smile up at you for a moment, before pulling your hand up, and looking at the ring.

"Are you happy?" You asked.

"Y/N I'm the happiest Ive ever been. To have you as my wife and Isaiah as my son, I feel like I can do anything. Have you thought about having more kids?" Eric asked.

"Oh yes, I would love to have a couple more kids if possible," You replied

"Good, we can start practicing. We are back at the hotel. Let's go check on our boy and then I'm gonna have my way with you.


10 Minutes later

The two of you waited outside of Paul's room when Ted came walking out of his bedroom with a blonde headed woman. Eric wrapped his arm tightly around you as the two of you turned to look at him. Ted flashed you a smile as he wrapped his arm around the woman and winked at you. You opened your mouth to say something as Paul opened the door with Isaiah sleeping in his arms. Eric pushed you forward before walking across the hall and jumping on Ted.

"Please go over there and stop that," You hissed

"When are you two going to stop causing mayhem? Take the baby and go to your room. I don't want little dude seeing his daddy getting his ass beat." Paul hissed back before kissing your cheek.

"I wish you would stop doing that!" You snapped before walking down the hall to your room.

You pushed the door open and laid your little boy in the playpen, hoping he would stay asleep through the yelling outside the room. Taking a seat on the bed, you grabbed the phone and dialed a number you knew by heart. A few rings in, you looked at the clock, knowing your mom would be up even though it was after midnight, and, as if on cue, she answered.

"Hello?" She said

"Momma? It's me Y/N, I need to tell you something," You whispered looking over at Isaiah.

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