Part 31

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You laid on your stomach in the middle of the bed as Eric sat on your legs and rubbed the knots out of your shoulders and back. You moaned softly from his touch and you could hear the small chuckle escape the drummer's lips. Shivers went up and down your spine as eric blew his warm breath against your naked skin. Eric kissed each of your shoulder blades before he sank his teeth into the side of your neck. You bite your lips to quiet your moan, quickly glancing at the playpen to make sure you hadn't woken the baby.

"You're going to be the death of me," You whispered

"What a glorious way to go then, baby," Eric whispered back

"Do you want to talk about wedding plans or keep going with this little number here before he wakes up again?" You asked.

"Um both." Eric replied.

"Well, which one first Romeo" You asked as you rolled off the bed and grabbed your shirt.

"Lets do wedding stuff. We also need to talk about the bun in the oven. What do you think we are going to have?" The drummer asked.

"I'm hoping this one is a girl and the next one will be a boy. If you want two more kids," You rambled out

You shot your head up and looked at Eric, fearing that you had gone too far until he crashed his lips against yours. You moaned and wrapped your arms around his neck as you began to kiss him back. He pushed you down on the bed before stripping out of his clothes. You pulled the rest of your off and got under the covers to hide your naked body.

"Why are you hiding?" Eric asked

"I don't want him to wake up and see us fully naked doing it," You whispered

"Ahh good point" Eric replied as he pulled the covers back and climbed in bed with you

He rolled on top of you and began kissing you again, from your lips down to your neck as you closed your eyes, enjoying the sensation. The drummer ran his hands up and down your body, making you feel amazing. Isaiah let out a cry from his crib, making the two of you cringe. Eric lifted his head up to see the little boy standing in his play pen screaming with a red face. The two of you quickly scrambled to put your clothes back on before you rushed over to the little boy.

"Oh, my god he's burning up Eric" you said as you pressed your lips to the little boy's forehead

"Do we need to to get meds or take him to the hospital?" Eric asked.

"Dada hold me pease," Isaiah cried

You looked at Eric seeing tears form in the older mans eyes, as he reached for the little boy. You quietly pulled your shoes on and grabbed your bag. The drummer laid down with the baby on his chest, softly humming under his breath to soothe Isaiah. You leaned down and kissed the drummer before racing out the door in search of medicine to get your son to feeling better. Walking down the sidewalk, you felt someone exit the alley and start following you down the street.

"Please don't let this be who I think it is," You whispered

Just as you passed another alley, the person behind you grabbed your arm and drug you down it. You tried to fight them off, but they were stronger than you. A hand reached crossed and smacked your face, and your head flew back. It was a hit you were all too familiar with. As tears filled your eyes, the stranger grabbed your chin and made you look them in the eyes.

"Did you really think it would be that easy to get rid of me, bitch?" The person asked.

"Why are you doing this? You begged.

They grabbed you again and smacked you in the face, making everything turn blurry as you faded in and out of being a sleep. You felt them grab you and put you over their shoulders before they walked you down the alley. You sent up a silent prayer that no matter what happened to you, Eric would keep Isaiah safe. 

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