3 Gabriella

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Finely Conrad and his twin sister Jennette made their debut. Jennette was already fitting in.

Jennette reached new strives because she was the first of many girls to wear leggings ripped to school.
The teachers were already strict with breach of policies. So this straw was what broke the camel's back. It caused such an uproar in controversy back then, which threw the chance of the obtuse obese boy making friends out the window. To compensate, he joined a club. All were duds except one: journalism.

Finley can still recollect when he first entered the classroom.

It used to be the history department before a new block took up the mantle, as well as science. But the people who did the remodelling left some things behind, making the class more decayed, neglected and magical in a sense. It was almost as if the boy travelled several years in the poignant past.

It didn't take long for it to get a makeover with the many months he's grown accustomed to it. He even made a name for himself by climbing up the ladder, along with two other people: Zach Gorden and Eva Bedders. The person in charge is Duncan Arther Tibbs.

Together, the three rose through the ladder, climbing up the ranks. And so was his social life, albeit to mixed results.

Within less than a term, he's become the most controversial student in the school, knocking the robotics club off their thrown. And add that to his sister's bad press, they are more and less under the same boat. But Finely came back from this, mainly because he didn't rebel.

Anywho, it was Monday when Finely made his first big break, literally. It was break time when events transpired. And it happened twice, too.

At the time, Finley was a photographer for the school newspaper. He was in charge of taking a photo of something hard-hitting. And it had to be grandiose, too.

He soon got it four minutes later.

It started with a fairly standard heated conversation. The teachers on break duty stood idly by, only pouncing when things went off the rails. As of now, they're like spectators.

There was a wall of children, gathering around to watch in anticipation of what was going down, none of them making a peep. They were invested, at the edge of their seats.

Usually, that's an indication that something vile is going down since massive crowds like this are rare. And when formed, stomachs are turned which is seen as a negative connotation. That in itself has juicy newswriting potential. It's clear Finely has no compunctions about who he exploits, so long he gets the experience. And, by pushing through the crowd to the centre, he had struck gold.

It was two girls. One named Maddie Ress and another Chelsea Fledmen. Within a couple of hours of her debut, she ruled everything with a hierarchical fist. And all because she had a prosperous, background, even if that stigma is a tad old-fashioned.

Either way, a screwball rambunctious person like Maddie wasn't going to stand for it, especially when quirky kids are anathema to the blonde.

At the time, her hedonism with Rodney Barnes was all that mattered to her. But when it recently dawned on her that she should spend more of her time on something meaningful than lolling around, suddenly her treatment of others was cascading based on Chelsea's high-flying behaviour felt a lot more almighty.

It's all under what Chelsea assumes respectability is, and forcing down her lifestyle on everyone else's throats, with seemingly no regard for how it'll affect others.

All in all, Chelsea thinks she has dominance over others, which isn't okay and Maddie is not advocating it any longer, even if she may be instigating it further. The fact St Leroy is allowing this speaks volumes of how vital the situation has gotten, making Maddie ruminate on how the school had questionable integrity.

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