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Chapter 28

The same day, 1:43 pm

In the motel

Sky's POV

Sam just got back from Randy's house, where he had to explain to Randy's parents that their son was possessed by a demon. They didn't believe him, and threatened to call the cops, because they think Sam's the one who scarred their son. Now Sam looks even more unhappy than he did when he left.

Dean: The law says you're her father, so go talk to your child.

I love how every time I do something bad, Dean throws it on to Sam, because according to the law, I'm his kid.

Sam: I need a minute, first. With my child sneaking out again, He dead eyes me and almost getting the cops called on me for trying to be helpful, I need a damn minute.

He goes to the kitchen area of the motel room and gets a beer from the fridge. He sits at the table, and now I'm painfully aware that I actually need to be on my best behavior, if I don't want another spanking. Sam's usually really easy to talk to, but he doesn't have much patience when he's this upset.

Sky: Sammy-

Sam: Do you wanna have this conversation now, or after I have my minute?

Never. I never wanna have this conversation. But while you're offering to put this conversation off, I'll take it later. Thanks for offering.

Sky: Later.

Sam: Ok.

He takes another sip of his beer, and I'm just sitting here, trying to silently plead with Dean, to get him to help me. Pleading eyes usually help me, but today, they're not helping at all. I even tried puppy eyes, but they're not working today. Are they really that mad at me? Dean said that he wasn't mad. He was just disappointed. But I don't think Sam feels the same way. I think Sam's mad. Once he's done with his beer, he comes over to this motel bed and sits down next to me. I'm not looking at him. I'm looking at the floor, because he's mad at me and I don't wanna make eye contact.

Sam: Look at me.

I shake my head, but I know he's gonna make me look at him. He does that thing where he uses one of his fingers to lift my chin up, making me look at him.

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