Motel demons

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Chapter 26

A few days later, Friday, 5:47 am

In the bunker

Sky's POV

I'm in my room, packing a bag, because Sam and Dean found a case. I don't know why they're looking for cases. Maybe they got bored. I don't know. But I do know that it's not even 6 in the morning, and I'm tired. I'm happy that they're taking me with them, but why do we have to leave so early? Couldn't we leave at a later time? Like noon?

Sam: Sky, hurry up. We gotta go. He says as he gets to my room.

"Sky, hurry up". Do you like your life? You don't like your life. I know you don't like your life, because if you did, you wouldn't be rushing me, at 5:47 in the morning.

Sky: I'm coming.

Sam: It's just a week's trip. How much are you packing?

Sky: You guys were already packed, by the time you told me to pack. So obviously, I'm not gonna be finished yet. Give me a minute.

Sam: Don't make me go get Dean.

Sky: Go get him. He doesn't scare me.

He rolls his eyes and leaves my room. I finish packing, just in time for Dean to start rushing me to the car.

Sky: Don't push me.

Dean: I'm not pushing you. I'm trying to make you walk faster.

He's got his hand on my back, and he's trying to make me walk at his pace. He walks too fast for me to catch up. So I feel like he's pushing me.

Sky: You're going too fast.

Dean: I'm going slow, for you to catch up.


Sky: You're not going slow. You're going too fast.

He stops walking and squats down to my level.

Dean: Get on my back.

I'm not gonna say no to a free piggy back ride. I get on his back and he stands up straight. He takes me outside and puts me down when we get to the car. I get in, and see that Sam's already in here. Now we're both just waiting on Dean.

Sky: Why do we have to leave so early?

Sam: Because, the earlier we get there, the sooner the case gets handled, and the sooner we can come home. The sooner we can bring you home.

I can already tell that having to bring me on this hunt is killing him. Everybody that they could've left me with is busy, or on their own hunt. So Sam and Dean have to take me with them. They could've left me home alone, but I guess they don't trust me to be home alone for that long. But it's not THAT long. It's just a week. The house would still be in one piece, when they got back. But if they wanna take me with them instead, I'm not gonna fight them.

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