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Chapter 40

Sunday, 11:40 am

In the bunker

Sky's POV

I wanna dye my hair. I wanna dye it red. I think red's a cool color. And I think my hair should be that color, because it's cool. But Sam and Dean aren't gonna let me dye my hair. Soooooooooooooooooo, you know what I have to do? Sneak out, go to the store, buy hair dye, come back home, dye my hair in the bathroom, and hope I don't get caught. Wish me luck.

Sky: That's gonna be plan B. I say to myself, while I'm sitting at my desk, in my room, where I'm supposed to be doing my homework from Friday.

I'm gonna ask the guys, first, so that they can't say I didn't ask, when they find out. I get up from my desk chair and leave my room, now looking for Sam. He'll be easier to ask than Dean. If Sam says yes, then I'll ask Dean. If Sam says no, then I'll just move on with plan B.

Sky: Sammy? I call as I get his room.

Sam: Yeah?

Sky: Can I dye my hair?

Sam: No.

Damn, that's crazy. But I knew it would happen, so I'm moving on with plan B. Have a nice day.

Sky: Ok.

I start walking away.

Sam: Wait.

I stop walking away.

Sky: What?

Sam: Come here for a second.

Sky: Why? You already said no. So I'm moving on with my life.

Sam: That was too easy. Come here, please.

I go inside his room and sit down next to him, on his bed. He sits up and looks down at me, with his "Dad" look.

Sky: What?

Sam: Don't "What" me. I know you. Ok? I know you enough to know better than to just leave this be. I know you better than to think you're not gonna try to dye your hair, even after I said no. I know that you either have hair dye already, probably hidden somewhere in your room, or you're gonna make up some lie as to why you need to go to the store, and you're gonna buy hair dye there.

This mother fucker has got to be inside my fucking head. How the fuck does he know the plan that I only said inside my mind? The only people who know about my plan are me and you. Did you tell him?

Sky: I don't have any hair dye. I was just asking, because I thought it would be something cool to do.

Sam: You can dye your hair for your birthday. Ok? Not now.

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