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I was in the bathroom covering up whatever bruises Alan had left with make-up. He left some on my stomach from punching me, my face from, once again punching, and my neck from choking me. He does this whenever he gets jealous, which is a lot. It was still second period and he left about 10 minutes ago after he finished. Once I was happy with how my make-up looked, I fixed my hair, straightened out my clothes, and walked out. To the surprise of anyone who might ever know, I never cry. Many people ask, "Why don't you ever cry?" Simple reason, it was beaten out of me. Whenever I cried at home, my mom would beat me until I stopped. When I started dating Alan, we were both freshmen, and he started doing stuff to me, he would make it worse if I cried, so I stopped. I haven't cried since I was since then.


I walked out and went to my second period class, Biology.

The second I walked in, all heads turned to me. God shallow me up whole please. The teacher was a woman about 5'6, black hair, and the most striking green eyes. She walked up to me and said, "Hi, what's your name?" "Isabella. I prefer Bella." "Ok, my name is Ms. Kate or just Kate if you prefer. Why are you late today, Bella?"  I saw Alan looking at me darkly from across her shoulder, once again warning me that we'd have a repeat if I didn't cover. Thinking on a whim I said, "I just wasn't feeling very good, I was in the bathroom," while keeping eye contact with him. She looked at me for a second and said, "Alright, you can take a seat next to Mr. Cappitani over there, Luca raise your hand." I looked over begging the lord for it to be a coincidence, but as God hates me, it was not. Shit. "I don't think that's a good idea." I could see Alan getting angry again out of the corner of my eye. No no no no please. "It's the only open seat so I'm afraid you have no choice." I looked around and much to my dismay, she was right. I slowly walked over and sat down. Damn it he was fuming. He already hurt me, and I still need to get more concealer. I ignored Luca, but as the lesson started, he started to poke my arm and saying, "Hey, talk." I turned to him and whispered, "Leave me alone so I can focus on class." "No." "Why?" "Because I am bored, and you are right next to me." "Stop, you will get me in trouble." "What are you so scared Little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes?" "Luca and Bella you may want to pay attention since both of you were late and missed the first part of the work," the teacher said looking a bit pointedly at us. Shit shit shit shit shit. I'm fucked. I felt my face heat up and go red as a tomato. I could feel Alan's eyes burning into my head. I'm so fucking dead. Thank God the rest of the class Luca left me alone.

When the bell rang, I took my bag and started to walk, but someone grabbed my arm. I turned around slowly hoping it wasn't who I thought it was, but when I turned fully, I saw Alec. "Hey, Belle, is it?" I nodded my head, getting anxious to leave. "Sorry about Luca, he can be kind of, annoying, but once you to know him, he's a good guy. Imma call you pretty girl. Okay?" I nodded. "Alright, what class you have next?" "AP Calc." "Damn okay pretty girl. My friend Theo is in that class as well, but I have to warn you, so is Luca." "Okay, can I please just go? I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I just don't wanna be late again." "Yea of course pretty girl, see you later." I rushed a quick bye and sped out of the classroom as fast as I could. Just get to class.


I was almost there when I was pushed into the stairwell. "What was that little fucking stunt in class bitch? I thought I taught you a lesson after the first time you did it." It was much more dangerous here then in the bathroom. Here he could push me down the stairs, or throw me down them. "I swear I wasn't flirting, I was telling him to leave me alone." "Don't fucking lie to me bitch!" He tripped me, then came closer, as if to kick me, but the door opened, showing a very curious looking Theo. He looked between us until his eyes rested on me and asked, "Everything good here?" Alan spoke, "Yea man, we were just talking, and she fell." Theo looked back at me and held out his hand. "Want some help?" Alan stepped in front of me and said, "I got it man." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, "You okay Izzy baby?" He said while cupping my cheek. I stiffened up a little and said "Yea. I have to get to class babe, I'll see you later." He kissed my cheek, and I grabbed my bag and headed out the stairwell to Theo.


"So, Bella, it is Bella, right?" I nodded as we started walking to class. I was late again, my mom is gonna kill me if the principal calls. Mr. Jenkins and she are friends so if he does, I am seriously screwed. "You sure you're okay? It didn't seem like a little argument back there." "No no, it's not like that. He loves me, he would never do anything to me." He does love me. At least I think he does. "Okay. You seem like a nice girl; I wouldn't want you to get in a fucked-up situation like that. Or anyone for that matter." I chuckled, "Yea, I'm okay." We walked in the class, and I sat down next to Theo. Only if people knew how much I actually lie.


Alrighty those are the first two chapters. AHHHHHHHHHHH

Really short this one5, but I will make it up to you I promise

Hope y'all like it so far and what are your opinions on some of the characters already?

Personally Alan and Grace can go die in a ditch

Just saying

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