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Why was she ignoring me? Was it because of what happened in the bathroom? Merde, I'm such an idiot! Why did I try to kiss her? Why did I try to kiss her? She hasn't looked me in the eyes all day, and she's walking weird. We got to rehearsals, and she still wouldn't look at me, or Alec, or Theo.

She kept flinching away from us when we came near her, which was a lot since I was her opposite and Alec and Theo were playing our friends. She was late to third period and didn't even come to second. We all learned pretty quick that she never misses a class, even if she misses ninety percent of the class, she'd still show up for the last ten. She stayed after class with Mr. Kolsch. Do you think he? Oh, he better not've or I'll kill him and her son of a bitch boyfriend along with him if they've touched her.  

We were started to dance, and she looked like she was in pain while walking. She almost fell off the stage and she would've if it wasn't for me catching her. Alec, Theo, and Charlie were concerned too. She disappears for a week and comes back like this? 

Something isn't right. I've hurled snarky comments at her one after the other and she hasn't retaliated. No fuck off or anything. We continued rehearsal and I didn't say anything, but even Ms. Connors say something was off and called her over.

It was finally time to go home and I grabbed her arm, making her flinch back and making me release her quickly, "Sorry bella, do you wanna come practice at my house again maybe? Mateo and Aria keep asking." She shook her head, "No sorry, I have to get home." "Please? I need help with the second act music we have to choreograph." She shook her head again, "Really Luca, I have to go. I'm sorry," before walking to her car and driving off. 

Why did I feel so... helpless?

This girl is messing up my head. Before her I didn't care who they dated, fucked, hung out with, or if they'd even come to school the next day, but her. Every day I get to see her feels like goddamn heaven, whenever I see her with that abusive asshole my blood boils, even thinking about him touching her like that makes me wanna kill the fucker. Why is she different?

I walk over to my friends and Alec says, "You know why pretty girl's acting weird?" I shrug, "Don't ask me. You ready for the race tonight?" Theo nods, "Yep, you're gonna get that money no matter what. Your biggest competitor is gonna be Lucien, his car is a fucking firebolt." "Yeah yeah, I've beat him before y'know?" Theo nods, "Yep, and you'll do it again." "Here here!" Alec damn near shouts. He's a dumbass. "Speaking of the race, wanna practice a bit since you aren't practicing with Bella?" "Speaking of pretty girl, why haven't you got with her yet? You guys are eye-fucking each other like all the time... and when you almost kissed in the bathroom the other day." I shove him and he raises his hands in surrender. Theo laughs, "Let's go asshats," and we all start walking towards our cars to go get ready for the race.


Hi !

Omg almost 250 reads? Y'all are fucking amazing and I love you, but could we try to set the goal to 300?

And maybe the one for votes to 15? 

Love y'all and happy new year's ❤️🎊🥳🎉

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