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We got to school and walked to our first period silently together. I could see everyone staring and I knew I shouldn't have walked with him. Alan is going to kill me, and so is my mother for staying the night. 

I sit down and feel the familiar arm around my shoulders, and I plaster on a fake smile as Alan kisses my cheek, "How's my girl?" "Good. Babe, shouldn't you go to your seat? Class is gonna start soon." "Are you trying to get rid of me?" "No no no baby, I just wanna make sure you don't get in trouble." I learned to never call him Alan, only sickening nicknames. Baby, babe, sweetie, I hated them all. He nodded and squeezed my shoulder to let me know he wasn't happy. "Not again," I thought. "That's three days in a row. Normally he gives me a break from it every two." 

It's not like I don't love him, or my mom, I do, but everyone needs breaks... right?

I went through my first three periods perfectly fine, until when I was walking to fourth and I felt someone pull me in the bathroom.

Here we go again.


He slammed me against the wall with his hand over my mouth and didn't actually say much this time, only cursing me out a little and calling me names. 

"I didn't make him too mad this time, he still loves me right now." I think.

He finished and I fixed up my makeup and hair a little to cover any major bruises I couldn't make an excuse for before walking to my class.


I sat down and Alec, who sat behind me, whispered, "Pretty girl," I turned around to look at him and he pointed at the fairly large bruise that peaked out from my sleeve. "Shit" I think before I whisper back, "I fell on the stairs in my house. It's nothing," and turning back around. 

I went to lunch after class and say Alec, Theo, and Luca sitting at me and Charlie's table. I sat next to her as they ate and Theo said, "Aren't you gonna eat something Belle?" I shook my head, "Nah, the food here's pretty bad most of the time, so I always just eat at home." The real reason.... fat. The number of calories and carbs in these foods is insane. If I eat anything, I'll just have to go to the bathroom and make myself throw it up. 

Alec tossed me an apple, "Come on, you gotta eat something." I throw it back, "Really, it's fine." Charlie chuckles, "That's Belly for y'all, always on a diet. You don't even need to be on one. Just cause your mom wants you to be a model." I roll my eyes at this and Luca scoffed, "Yeah she does, all that fat on her. Might as well starve herself, maybe that'll help." I shift uncomfortably and Theo slaps the back of Luca's head, "Shut the fuck up." Alec speaks this time, "I think pretty girl is perfect." Charlie nods, "Same, absolutely perfect." Thanks, but a lie. I'm nowhere near perfect, Amy is. Everyone loves her. Charlie too. I'm just, here. "How's Alan by the way? Not that I care," Charlie says. "Good, he's getting faster. We might have a perfect season this year." I say. "I have a random question though, do you think he'd be open to taking a couples quiz with you? I found a really good one." I shrug and Alan comes running up to our table. 

"Hello, my Izzie girl," he says with a kiss on my cheek. "Perfect timing, wanna take a couples quiz with Belly?" Charlie asks. He nods and she gets the paper out. "Okay, Alan, what's Belly's favorite color?" "Easy, pink and purple." Wrong. "Okay, and Belly? What's his?" "Red," "Alright. What's her favorite thing to do?" "Makeup, try on clothes, go for runs." Wrong, wrong, and wrong. "Okay. Belly, what's his?" "Sports, working out, drinking, and smoking." Charlie nods and asks the next one, "What's her favorite food?" "Salads," Wrong again. "What's his?" "Protein shakes and anything with beef in it." "What's her middle name?" "May," Wrong once again. "And his?" "Jack." She puts the paper and pencil down, "Alright, you guys are done. Perfect scores." Alan smiles, "Of course, I know my girl too well." He kisses my cheek one more time before walking off. 

"I lied, he got zero and you got 100." Alec and Theo scoff, "Even we knew most of those, and we just became friends." Friends? "Her favorite colors are actually-" "Blue and green, lighter shades though, not dark," Luca says. He remembers that? I said it for like a second during that icebreaker at rehearsals. Charlie smiles for a second and says, "Favorite thing to do-" "Read," "Favorite food is-" "Used to be cheeseburgers, now it's grapes." "Middle name-" "Brooke," He knows all of them? "How do you know all of that?" "Listening. She talked about a bunch of it during rehearsal time or when I was there with her and Theo while they were working on a project for Calc. I just remember shit easily. I don't actually care." 

I spent the rest of my day thinking about that exchange. He actually knew all of it. Alan didn't. He always assumed I was a super girly girl obsessed with pink and make-up, so that's who I became with him. 

Why do I feel this way about Luca though? Why did it feel good when he held me? Why did it feel, perfect.


Hi ! 

I just realized who angsty this book actually is as I was writing the chapter. 

Anyways, just a reminder, I do not condone violence among relationship or at all. Anyone that has dealt with domestic abuse, I'm so sorry and you are so strong for getting out.

I love all of you and don't forget to comment and vote ❤️:)

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