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Time skip

Ash-"rose, could we talk and hang out alone for a bit?"
Rose-"of course Ash"
They go to Rose's room and sit on the bed.
Rose-"so you wanted to talk?"
Ash-"yea, so what sexuality is your brother?"
Rose-"bi, last time he mentioned"
Ash-"o..oh ok, because I think I might like him"
Rose-"omg I'm so happy for you, tell him"
Ash-"I can't, I don't know how"
Rose-"start to get to know him more and hint at him"
Ash-"ok, thanks rose"
Rose-"oh, oww"
Ash-"what? are you ok?"
Rose-"yea, probably the baby kicked"
Rose carries on making noise of pain occasionally.
Ash-"I think we should go to the hospital wing."
Rose-"it's after crewfew and besides it's nothing"
Ash-"it's no...."
He didn't finish his sentence because he watched as rose's water broke
Ash-"...not nothing"
Ash-"ok, now do you agree for me to take you to the hospital wing"
Rose-"of course!"
Ash picks up rose with ease and made his way to the hospital. Luckily it was night so nobody was in the way, they arrive at the hospital wing in a rush and out of breath.
Pomfrey-"what are you two doing here."
Ash-"r..rose, she's in labour"
Pomfrey-"set her on the bed then"
He lays her on the bed and sits on the nearby chair. He gets so lost in thoughts that he doesn't realise it's over.
Pomfrey-"congratulations it's twin girls. Now both of you go to sleep, you must be exhausted"
Rose-"what about the babies?"
Pomfrey-"don't worry, I'll check them and get them to sleep"
The two of them go to sleep.

Time skip to the morning

Pomfrey-"wake up, the babies are all good and healthy, have you decided on the names yet?"
Ash-"you decide rose, they're your children"
Rose-"no, you're also a parent. I chose one you chose one"
Ash-"ok, I always loved the name Ella"
Rose-"love it, I always loved the name Olivia"
Pomfrey-"ok, Ella and Olivia"
She waves her wand and the names float into the babies chests.
Rose-"can I hold one?"
Pomfrey-"of course"
She carefully places Olivia in roses arms and Ella in ash's arms. The two older kids smile at each other.
Ash-"we need to tell the others that the twins are here"
Rose-"good point, get me a parchment and quill and if you see Rogan on the way tell him to come"

Ash pov
I nod and walk out. I rush to my dorm and grab the things rose asked for. On my way back I see something that makes my heart ache. Rogan, kissing someone.
That doesn't matter right now, I need to get back to rose. I run up to them.
Ash-"sorry to ruin the moment, rose is in the hospital wing"
Rogan-"omg, is she ok?"
Ash-"yea, she's fine"
Rogan-"why is she there then?"
Ash-"the babies were born last night!"
Rogan-"that's great"
They leave towards the hospital wing, in awkward silence. The image of Rogan kissing someone else, playing over and over again in ashes mind, making his heart ache. They arrive at the wing.
Ash-"got the things you asked for rose"
Rose-"thanks ash, hi Rogan"
Dear mum,
The babies were born yesterday night, they're both healthy. We named them Olivia and Ella. You can come and visit today but only take them home after 3 weeks.
Love rose.
She finishes the letter and asks Rogan to send it. He leaves and rose is left alone with with ash. He was being extremely figety, as if something was bothering him.
Rose-"what's wrong ash?"
Ash-"it's noth... It's just stupid. I went to get the parchment... and I saw Rogan kissing someone, and it broke my heart"
Rose-"ohh, it's ok"
She gives him a hug and whispers soothing words. Once they settle.
Rose-"I think you should tell him how you feel"
Ash-"what, I could never do that"
Rose-"at least try, pleaseeeee, for me"
Ash-"fine, I'll do it tonight"
They wait in the hospital for Pansy to arrive. She runs into the hospital wing shouting.
Rose-"Mum! Your going to wake to babies up"
Pansy-"sorry, I'm just excited to see my granddaughter's"
Pomfrey-"who let this madwoman in?!"
Pansy-"ohhh, good morning madam pomfrey, long time no see. I came here to see my grandchildren"
Pomfrey-"yea, definitely nice to see you again, over here then please"
She leads her over to the two sleeping girls.

 I came here to see my grandchildren"Pomfrey-"yea, definitely nice to see you again, over here then please" She leads her over to the two sleeping girls

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Pansy-"aww, they're so cute, which ones which"
Ash-"Ella is the one with the pink hat, Olivia is the grey one"
Pansy-"hi ella, hi Olivia. I'm your gran"
She adores them whilst talking to them in a baby voice.
She spends another hour at the hospital wing.
Pansy-"I need to go now, I'll visit soon"
Rose-"bye mum"
Rogan-"see ya"
Pansy-"you too ash"
She leaves.

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