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Rogan pov

Ash hasn't come out of the dorm for 2 whole days, I brought him food 3 times a day because he needs it for the baby but he never eats it all, it's always something small like a quarter of a toast or a roasted potato. I've tried many ways to tell him that what those bullies said was nowhere near the truth, but nothing worked, all of those words and phrases were drilled into his head. Right now I'm coming back from dinner with a plate of mashed potatoes and boiled carrots on the side. I get to the dorm and make him sit up.
Rogan-"sit, you need to eat"
Ash-"I'm not hungry"
I sign and place the plate on the bed side table. I lay down behind him and sneaked my arms around his waist, so that way I could feel if his stomach rumbled. Not long after I feel the rumble.
Rogan-"not hungry huh?"
He lowers his head and nods his head in defeat.
I sit next to him with the plate and grab a spoonful of mash, then I bring it up to his mouth. After a few seconds he opens his mouth and eats.
He repeats a couple of times until the plate is nearly empty.
Rogan-"just one more spoonful"
He nods and eats the last spoonful. I put the plate on the bed side table and then cuddle with him, rubbing his bump to comfort him.

Alexa pov

I was walking down the corridor when a tall ravenclaw boy, which I assumed was a year above me, came up to me. He grabbed my wrist and covered my mouth so I couldn't scream for help. He brought me to an empty cupboard and when we both got in he locks the door and puts a silencing charm on it. My heart speeds up just from thinking what he wants from me.
Alexa-"what do you want?"
Alexa-"ehhh, I don't think so"
Boy-"not in that way, I want you to be my girlfriend"
Alexa-"still no, who are you anyway"
Boy-"I'm Percy, Percy miller. You may know my twin brother, Ben miller"
Alexa-"oh, hell no, after all the things he's done to my family and friends, no nope"
Percy-"you know I'm not like my brother, give me a chance"
I just stare at him.
Percy-"if not, I'll tell the whole school that you were begging me and my brother to take your innocence"
Alexa-"Jease, fine"
Percy-"Ok darling, now introduce me to your brother and friends"
I tell him to follow and I go to our usual meeting spot. I could see the confused faces of the others. I was just hoping they wouldn't detect my nervousness.
Alexa-"hii, so this is my boyfriend Percy, h..he wan... I mean I wanted to I... introduce him to you"
Fred, Filip and James shot eachother a suspicious look as I swallow the lump in my throat.
Fred-"do anything to her and we'll gut you like a fish"
Percy-"ok protective much, I won't do anything bad"
James-"you better not, our eyes are on you"
He nods and sits down next to me, laying a controlling hand on my thigh, every time I nearly said something he didn't want me to say, he would squeeze my leg. It creeped me out. We carried on talking for about half an hour. When it was time for us to split up and go our ways, Percy grabbed my wrist and made me walk slower than everyone else. When everyone was out of sight, he pushed me against a wall and kissed me harshly. I hated it.
Percy-"goodnight darling"
I walk into the common room and into my dorm, as soon as I get behind my curtains I start sobbing, why does this always happen to me. I soon cry myself to sleep and fear the day ahead of me.

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