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    I look at the blonde haired boy. Bakugo. He actually didn't seem angry right now. What a surprise that is. He looks at me and I quickly look away. I start to blush a bit. Why am I blushing?!

    I quickly grab the things I need and head to the check out. There was a long line. Of course there's a long line. I sense someone looking at me and I start to feel very nervous. God, why is he looking at me? I know I can be recognizable, but why is he staring at me?

    I slowly look back to see him staring at me. I snap my head back and try to ignore it. But I couldn't still feel that he was looking at me.

    I prayed in my mind that he would stop looking at me. A minute later, the line started to move. Finally. I soon get to the check out counter and walk out of the store with the bags. I could sense someone staring at me again. I turn around and see no one behind me. But I could still feel like I was being watched.

    Weird. Very weird. I kept walking until I got home and went inside. I had helped my mom cook since my dad had something to do.

    We ate dinner and I went to bed. I thought of what had happened at the store earlier.

                                                                                   "Do I like him?"

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm very tired because last night was my first dance for school so yeah lol. I'll be doing more 400-800 word chapters but this one is short sorry lol. Anyway, have a great day/night!

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