Oneshot - Anger and Passion (Nischa)

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"You didn't have to do all of that for me, you know." Noel muttered as he started to clean up the cut on Mischa's arm.
"But they were saying bad things about you." Mischa responded. "I don't like it when others say bad things about my friends."
"Still, you didn't have to beat them up. Plus, I've gotten used to the remarks they make." Noel replied, applying a plaster to the cut.

Mischa took a swig of vodka from his water bottle. He sloshed it around in his mouth for a bit before spitting it out onto the concrete by him. The clear vodka had turned the colour of blood. Noel sighed as he closed the first-aid box and sat next to Mischa. Their hands were incredibly close to each other, barely touching, but it made Noel blush a little bit.

"They won't bother you no more." Mischa said before taking another drink of vodka.
"Thanks." Noel murmured, his left hand tracing his leg. "I really appreciate that."
Mischa spat out his vodka once again before wiping a bit away from his lips. He glanced at Noel for a bit and chuckled.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Mischa pondered. "I would've sorted them out long time ago if you told me.

"It never crossed my mind." Noel answered with a shrug. "I guess I just got so used to it that I just...forgot I could get help."
"Well, like I said, Ukrainians have two moods - anger, and passion. You just witnessed anger." Mischa explained with a triumphant smile.
Noel found himself staring at Mischa, looking him up and down. Even when he looked roughed up, he looked super hot. With every lock of hair that was out of place, his eyes that sparkled in the setting sun, the slight tear on his shirt - everything was enough to make Noel's heart flutter.

"Well, would I be allowed to see the passionate side of you?" Noel asked, edging ever closer to Mischa.
"Are you...flirting with me?" Mischa asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, I am, and it is up to you whether you choose to accept. I know all the tools at your disposal, and by God, do I know how to maintain them." Noel uttered. His voice had become softer and more romantic, and his hand was now on Mischa's leg.

Mischa smirked in response. He took hold of Noel's hand and placed it on his shoulder. His other hand went under Noel's chin, and he lifted his head up to take him in.
"I accept." Mischa whispered, lips just inches away from Noel's. He pulled him into a kiss, and an amazing one, at that. It seemed to last a century, with the world stopping until their lips parted. Noel edged in even closer, throwing his arms around Mischa's neck. He stopped a minute to take a breath, before returning for more.

When they finally stopped, Noel laughed quietly and nuzzled his forehead against Mischa's.
"You're an amazing kisser, you know that, right?" Noel complimented, still breathless.
Mischa didn't respond, but he pulled Noel in for a loving embrace.
"Hey, my mom's going out tonight, and she won't be back until tomorrow afternoon, wanna stay at mine?" Noel offered.
Mischa let go of Noel and responded with a simple "Sure." Both of them got up from the bench and walked back to Noel's house, Mischa's arm around Noel's shoulders.

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