Chatfic 4

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sugarcloudz: i'm not going to be at choir practice tomorrow

DemocracyRocks: Why?

sugarcloudz: i have my eye appointment

sugarcloudz: i might even be getting new frames

Monique🥀: Personally I think metal frames would look best on you

sugarcloudz: well I don't think metal frames would support the lenses

sugarcloudz: i'm practically blind without my glasses

Ireallyreallylikecats: Oh yeah I can remember when we all tried them on and everything was all distorted and blurry when I did it

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Everything looked  clearer when I tried them on tbh

DemocracyRocks: Mischa I think you need to see an optometrist

Monique🥀: So has everything been blurry for you???

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Yeah pretty much

Ireallyreallylikecats: How tf do you survive in class

DemocracyRocks: Language

Ireallyreallylikecats: Shut up Ocean

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: I see better at back of class so I often sit there

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Plus that means that the teacher cannot see what I am doing as much

Penny Lamb: Sometimes all I can see is darkness, only for a split second.

sugarcloudz: penny, that's called blinking

Ireallyreallylikecats: But surely everything is still at least a little bit blurry???

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: True

Monique🥀: Must be nice not to see all the troubles of the world

Ireallyreallylikecats: Emo

Monique🥀: Shut up Ricky

Penny Lamb: I somewhat agree with Noel, even though I don't understand what Ricky is talking about.

DemocracyRocks: I guess that explains why you always miss the targets on the shooting gallery

DemocracyRocks: No offence

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: Well I'm sure my aim will get better with time

Ireallyreallylikecats: That's what he said

Penny Lamb: What do you mean by that?

sugarcloudz: ricky please don't explain that to them

Monique🥀: LMAOOOOO

Ireallyreallylikecats: UHH


DemocracyRocks: She's too pure for this world we can't taint it

Penny Lamb: Very well. I think I'll go sew a new dress for my dolly. See you all another time.

(Penny Lamb is offline)

⛓️🔥BADEGG🔥⛓️: This conversation got wack very quickly

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