Incorrect Quotes 7

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Mischa: Fuck off. And when you're done fucking off, fuck off again.


Ricky: Looks like somebody's in love!!

Noel: Yeah, right. I just think Mischa's cool, OK? It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about him!

*later that night*

Noel, very much awake and thinking about Mischa: Uh oh.


Penny: What's it like being in the choir?

Ocean: Okay, imagine the most well-behaved, civilised, quiet-working group of people you've ever met.

Penny: Okay.

Ocean: Then throw that out the window.


Noel: Dracula had it right. Sleep all day, lice alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of social situations.


Ocean: Just be yourself.

Mischa: Be myself?? Ocean, I have one day to win Noel's mom over.

Mischa: How long did it take you guys to like me?

Constance: Two weeks.

Penny: Six months.

Ricky: Jury's still out.

Mischa: See, Ocean? Just be myself. What kind of garbage advice is that?


Mischa: I've done a lot of dumb stuff.

Constance: I've witnessed the dumb stuff.

Ricky: I've recorded the dumb stuff.

Noel: I joined in on the dumb stuff.



Mischa: Noel and I don't use pet names.

Ricky: I see.

Ricky: Hey, what do bees make?

Mischa: Honey?

Noel, from the other room: Yes, dear?

Mischa: ...

Ricky: Never lie to my face again.


Constance: Dogs deserve to live forever.

Ocean: And humans don't?

Mischa: Definitely not.


Ocean: I swear I'm the only one here with a braincell.

Noel, Mischa, Ricky, Penny and Constance: ALL HAIL THE KEEPER OF THE SACRED BRAINCELL!!


Ocean: The bloodline ends with me.

Constance: That's the fanciest way of saying "I'm gay".

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