HoboCocoon's A Father?!?

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Aizawa just woke up as he rubbed his permanently tired eyes, he attempted to stay asleep for longer but his cats ended up throwing the alarm clock at his head and we're about to destroy his precious coffee, so he had to get up to stop them from destroying the only thing keeping him going at this point.

Aizawa: Dumb cats.

The cat's gave an offended look as all 15 of them walked away. (I'm kidding there's 3, the other 12 got lost after they followed Aizawa to work and tried to keep up with him, the kitties will be missed ✊😔)

Aizawa then started making his coffee thats as dark as the pits of hell as he was walking around in very baggy pyjamas. His hair is obviously a mess, this man doesn't own a hairbrush so his hairs always a mess. Only time he's ever done his hair was when Present Mic braided his hair as a prank when he fell asleep in class. Worst part was he actually didn't look half bad, that made Mic laugh even more.

Aizawa turned on the tv as he sat on the couch waiting for his sweet heavenly coffee to be ready. He scrolled threw the channels not finding anything interesting, he internally had a mini panic attack when he heard Mic's voice only to realize it was just an interview with him on the tv. Aizawa sighed a breath of relief as he turned the volume down and watched a bit of the interview.

Aizawa: That idiot.

Aizawa kept thinking that over and over again as he was watching the interview.

Aizawa: This is giving me a headache... I want to go back to sleep...

Aizawa immediately perked up once he heard the sound of the beeping from the coffee machine, he practically jumped of the couch as he grabbed his coffee and drank it with nothing in it, as dark as the pits of hell, his favourite.

Aizawa was enjoying his coffee when suddenly he heard the doorbell ring, he thought he was just hearing things so he went back to watching his show. A-couple seconds later it rings again, Aizawa thinks its a ding-dong ditch type thing so he continues to ignore it, until they ring it again, and again, and again. Now they're ringing it 5 times every second and it's getting on Aizawa's nerves. Aizawa steps up as the ringing stops and he walks to the door clearly annoyed.

Aizawa: I don't want any of you're damn Girl Scout cookie-

Aizawa slams open the door as he realizes he said damn in-front of a young boy who was staring at him like he was currently judging his outfit. What? A 21 year old isn't aloud to wear pink cat pyjamas? The kid has a backpack on with a light blue hoodie and black pants, he has really dark black messy hair that goes to his shoulders and light purple eyes, he looks around 6. He stares for a second until he finally says something.

Kid: I have the same pyjamas.

The kid says with a blank face as I stare at him reflecting his face.

Aizawa: This kid, he's giving me a run for my money in the bored expression department.

Aizawa was impressed with the kid's ability to have such a bored look on his face right now as he stands there and they stare at each other for a very long time, it's starting to become awkward.

Aizawa: So... what do you need?

Kid: To talk to you.

Aizawa: Yes I got that kid. But about what?

Kid: Um.............................

The kid looks at his paper and back at me as he looks at the paper again.

Kid: You're Shota Aizawa right?

Aizawa: Where did this kid get my name? There's never been an article on me, at least I don't think. Oh no have the tax guys resorted to extreme measures? No, they wouldn't use kids to get me to pay tax, would they? They might. I'm overthinking this.

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