How Makoya Secretly Kicked The Number 2 Hero Out Of His Own House

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???: HE'S AWAKE!


???: IM ON IT!

Makoya then feels an entire bucket of water get splashed on his face as he opens his eyes. He's surrounded by class 1-a as they all breath a breath of relief.

Makoya: What the hell?

Recovery Girl: YOU IDIOTS!

Recovery Girl then hits them over the head with her cane as she stands there, clearly angry.

Makoya is in Recovery Girls Office, he doesn't remember what happened. Did he pass out?

Recovery Girl: At least your awake. But you idiots don't know anything! Why would you dump water on him?!

Kaminari: Thats what they do in TV shows!

Recovery Girl: MOST TV SHOWS ARN'T MEDICALLY ACCURATE! This is the next generation of heroes?!?

Recovery Girl then knocks out Kaminari as she takes a breath and calms down.

Makoya: Thats why dads so afraid of her...

Suddenly Bakugo glares daggers at him as a wide smile appears on his face.

Bakugo: HA!

Makoya: Oh no, what is it? Let me guess, you're gonna brag you didn't pass ou-

Bakugo: Look at you with the crap beaten out of you eyebags!

There it is...

Makoya: If I remember correctly I was fighting Handjob and almost destroyed the thing All Might had a lot of trouble defeating. You fought a couple measly thugs, I think I win here.

Bakugo: I don't give a shit about that! The point is you don't have a scratch on you but you get the special treatment! What the fucks that about? Is it because your the teachers brat?!

Makoya: No idiot.

Makoya throws his pillow at Bakugo as it hits Bakugo in the face. When it falls Bakugo's makes him look like he's about to commit mass murder.

Makoya: I used the regeneration Quirk from that freaky monster, I think they called it a Nomu. To heal myself which took a lot of energy out of me making me collapse from exhaustion! Plus that thing had multiple Quirks so copying it was extremely difficult and it was a very small fraction!

Bakugo: Whatever shithead! I'm leaving!

Makoya: Hey don't storm off like a toddler who just lost the fight! As Kirishima would say that's not very manly of you!

Bakugo walked towards the door as he flipped the bird and turned around with a look on his face that makes him live up to his name of Pomeranian.

Bakugo: I don't give a shit about what you think! I'm going to get something to eat shithead!

Mina: Slaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy Queen!!!


After much convincing Recovery Girl allowed Makoya to leave. Makoya woke up around the end of the day, so he was walking home with his friends.

Makoya: That idiot. Did he really wait there just to try *ahem* and fail to prove a point?

Makoya crushes a juice box as he goes to throw it at a trash can, when it misses.

Makoya: Oooo. So close.

Iida: Makoya! That is littering!

Iida then uses his Quirk to run up and grab it as he explained with great detail of why it's bad to litter as he showed an example of being a good citizen by very 'sophisticatedly' putting the trash in the trash bin.

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