The Tests, And Cat Food

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Teacher A: Check out the results from the exam.

Teacher B: Wow, the second place student didn't even have Rescue Points.

Teacher C: He took down those faux villains like an ace. When most of the other examinees were running rom the big obstacle, he stayed focused on letting the smaller targets get in close and then counterattacking. That kid is tough.

Teacher B: On the opposite end, the eighth place student had zero villain points.

Teacher C: He's not the first UA hopeful to take out that giant robot. But it's been awhile since I saw someone blow it away with one attack.

Teacher D: But at what cost? Did you see how badly he injured himself? If you ask me, it's like his body isn't used to his Quirk.

Teacher C: Then we have the first place student. He had 49 villain points and 55 rescue points. He looked at past tests and before the exam even started he figured out there were Rescue Points. He used that to his advantage and would save people as he went along while collecting points in the process, the kids smart.

Teacher B: Then when the 0P appeared he used that as his opportunity to save as many people as he could, including the 7th place student. Not only that but his fighting was impressive, as was his way of adapting to the Quirks he copied. Most people couldn't figure out how to use Quirks so quickly, perceptive and smart. I wouldn't expect anything less from Aizawa's son.

Teacher D: Aizawa that's your son? Guess you do look similar, same hair. Same eye-bags HAHAHAHAH.

Aizawa: Hm...


I was sitting in class with my head in my hands as I'm trying to get a quick nap in as my two classmates were fighting, Robot Hands and Boom Boom Boy I'm calling them.

Robot Hands: Take your feet off of that desk now!

BoomBoom Boy: Huh?

Robot Hands: It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!

Boom Boom Boy: You're kiddin' me right? Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?

Izuku: Just my luck.

Makoya: Can you please be quiet, your giving me a headache...


Robot Hands: Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida form the Somei Private Academy.

Boom Boom Boy: Somei, huh? So you must think you're better than me. I'm gonna have fun tearin' you a new one.

Makoya: How heroic...

Robot Hands: [gasps] you would threaten me? Your own classmate? Are you sure you're in the right place?

Makoya: O ya 'cause there's a school for promising villains just down the hallway, Boom Boom Boy here would be their prized student.


The whole class snickered at the insomniac's comment as Boom Boom Boy got angrier

Makoya: Hey Robot Hands think you can make the Angry Pomeranian be quiet?

I heard a couple chuckles and more snickering while one guy chocked on his water.

Robot Hands: Robot Hands?

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