Chapter 4

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The next morning, Aurora woke up on the floor in a different room. She started to sit up, "Um hello? Guys? Hm, where is everyone?" she started to get up and started to look around. "What is this place?"

"Subject 89P25, help me." one of the broken robots said

"Huh?" Aurora asked and she saw one of the broken robots talking, "Ah talking broken robot!" she yelled.

"Subject 89P25, help me." the broken robot said again.

"Help you? Wait, aren't you one of the robots that hurt my mom and her friends in the past, and experimented on me and my brother and sister when we were born?" Aurora asked as she started to walk a little closer.

"What we did was wrong, but what Pyko is doing to us is far worse. Now he is experimenting on his own kind, your kind." the robot said.

"Who or what is Pyko, and also what do you mean experimenting on my kind?" Aurora asked.

"We sought only to improve animal life." The broken robot answered.

*Flashback started in the past*

The robot continued talking, "Our initial attempts were crude. Then we found a mineral on Gruckkuk, with properties that accelerated the natural process of evolution, and sought to reverse it using the same method, but it was too late."

*Flashback ends*

"Miss Robot, since I'm from this planet, do you think you can help me with this?" Aurora asked as she was showing her body turning gray, "I've been turning gray, and part of my body has been hurting like it is getting weak." she said.

"Pyko must've stolen the same mineral for his own experiments and the more he uses it, the more you will be weak have nothing. We tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen." The robot answered.

"Oh no. Is there any cure for this?" Aurora asked.

"Yes of course. The cure is..." The robot answered.

Suddenly, a giant glass case trapped Aurora and a shadow figure showed up from the other side of the room, and it was...Pyko.

"(chuckled) Too late for your kind perhaps." Pyko said as he pressed the button and the power went on.

"Ahh!" Aurora yelled in pain and she started feeling a little weak and her body fell on the ground and her body was 50%.

~~~At the guest room~~~

The twins were packing their stuff.

"Ok guys, if we're gonna find our sister, we need to get going." Christopher said.

"Alright, let's go get Rocket, your mom, and their little tree friend." Bingo said.

"Wait wait, hold on. There's no way mom is not coming." Christina said.

"What do you mean?" Rolly asked.

"Well, Black Jack and Wal Rus has been telling us that mom is going through some stuff." Christina answered.

"Right, so if we hurry, we should leave right now." Christopher said.

The pups left the room and they were walking in the hallway and they made it outside.

Suddenly, they started to hear Since You Been Gone by Rainbow on the Milano's speakers and the pups started to cover their ears.

"Ow, what is that terrible sound?" June asked.

"I don't know, but it's hurting my ears." Bingo said.

Rocket, Anna, and Groot started to walk out and they also saw the Milano.

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