Chapter 2

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Later that night, the snow continued to fall and everyone was wearing PJs and they all were sitting on their sleeping bags.

"So guys, how do you like your first sleepover so far?" Kermit asked the twins.

"So far, it's really good." Christina answered.

"Yeah, I'm enjoying it so far." Christopher said.

"Trust me, it'll be more fun." Carson said to them.

"Yeah, especially since Christmas is coming up in a few days." Fozzie said.

"Ooo, Christmas bedtime stories, looking at stars, and having fun with friends." Freddy said.

"It's like you guys said: it takes all of us." Aurora said.

"Who would like to tell a story?" Pip asked.

"Oo I would like to." Freddy said as he raised his wing.

"Take it away, brother." Carson said as he gave Freddy a flashlight.

"(clears throat) Once upon a time, in a dark dark forest, there was a baby bottle that was (gasp) empty..." Freddy said as he was holding a flashlight under his face.

"Ooo..." the others said.

"And got magically filled up with milk and everyone was happy, the end." Freddy said as he finished his story.

"Wow, I did not see that coming." Rolly said.

Everyone was clapping.

"That was a fun story." CJ said.

Suddenly, the twins started to feel a little sad and they walked to the couch and sat down.

"Huh?" Bingo said as he and everyone else was looking at them.

"I wonder what's wrong?" Perrito asked.

"Maybe I should talk to them." Aurora suggested and she started to get up and started walking to them. Suddenly, she tripped.

Everyone gasps and they walk to Aurora.

"Sis, are you alright?" Christopher asked as he and Christina helped their sister get on the couch.

"I think so, I'm not sure what caused me to keep falling." Aurora said. "But, don't worry about me, are you two alright? You were very sad. What's wrong?" she asked the twins.

"(sighs) It's just...our caretakers used to tell us stories since we were little pups, and hearing them is making us miss them." Christina said.

"Ohh..." the others said.

"Well, Mr. Manny told me earlier, "It's ok to miss them a lot. It takes time, but the only thing is to do is keep loving them."" Aurora said.

The twins looked at each other and they smiled and they started to hug their sister.

"Aww." the others said.

The twins and Aurora stopped hugging.

"Hey before we go to bed, how about a Christmas song?" Kermit suggested.

Adventures of Muppet TOTS Pals 2: Big Xmas RescueWhere stories live. Discover now