the beast of WH

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Cotton had already place all her belonging in her new house, she took a look at her new home were she'll be doing things on her own. Cotton looked at her family photos with her and her family smiling at the remembers they all made together.

It was already lunch and cotton forgot that she doesn't have anything to eat so headed over to a butcher shop she saw. Before she could leave, at her door was one of the other neighbors a man with orange skin and yellow nose.

"Howdy there, you must be the new neighbor? Names eddie dear, nice to have you here" Said with a souther accents.

"Uh huh, my name is cotton, cotton clover, nice to meet you too eddie" Cotton said as she closed her door.

"Were you heading off?" Eddie asked her.

"Oh, I'm just going to get something to eat at the butcher shop, that I saw" cotton explained.

After hearing that, eddie was in terror of hearing this, before cotton left. He stopped her and looked to see if anyone was watching.

"Uumm, eddie? Why did you stop me?" Cotton asked him.

"Well miss clover, I had to give you a warning about the owner of the butcher shop. You see the fella who runs it isn't someone to be close with... he is a type who give you a hell of a nightmare. And frankly he isn't one with being friendly with animals such as yourself and poppy too" eddie explain with how scared he sound.

Cotton listened close as she was a bit scared and curious of the owner of butcher shop.

"What I'm trying to say is, Cotton is just be careful. If anything happens you can call me" eddie finished as he gave his number to her. Cotton put the paper with eddie's number on it in her skirt pocket and headed to the butcher shop.

It wasn't far as it was a walking distant to her house. Going over she saw how the butcher shop looks to be what a horror show would be like. But it didn't bothered her in anything it made feel exciting actually, cotton opened the door and bell rang as soon as she entered.

Inside was what you see at any butcher shop with the see though glass to show the meat too. Cotton looked at the varity of meat their is and tried to choose which to take home for lunch. As looked the owner of the place watch as cotton looked at each meat, he was awestruck of seeing cotton. He was expecting like person not a sheep one, it kind of made things more interest as he walked towards the counter.

Cotton looked up at the owner and she was a little scared of see him. The man was very tall, very muscular with how his shirt is tight, dark blue hair in a pompadour, with scars on his chest that showed and arms too, and his smile. His teeth were sharp as he smiled down at her with interest in his eyes and a bit of hunger too.

"Why hello there little lamb~" the man purred saying.

"Oh hello, I'm new here and I wanted to get something for lunch and dinner" cotton said shyly fiddling her fingers.

"Oh so your the new neighbor? Well its good to see you in person" the man said.

Cotton blush as she wasn't to much with talking but smiled as she answered.

"Thank you, my name is cotton, cotton clover" cotton said to him.

"What a lovely name little lamb, my name isWally, wally darling~" wally purred as he talked with cotton.

"Well if isn't a problem, could I have five sirloin steaks please?" Cotton asked him.

"Sure thing little lamb" wally said as she went to the sirloin steaks.

After wrapping them up in wax papers, cotton thanked him and left with her food. However she didn't see the love struck butcher as she left and hearts were in his eyes now.

I think out cold heart butcher may have fallen for sweet little cotton.

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