Missing away

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After that incdent, cotton didn't want to go outside again so she stayed inside her house. Cotton went ahead and made some snacks and tea her to calm her down.

She on the tv as she watch, cotton had the feeling of being watch again as it made it harder for her to relax.

Cotton POV

Maybe moving 'here' was a bad idea. . . . Nah, it could be my nervous acting up again.

Yea, maybe I should go for a walk after some shows. Hopefully none of those girls come and making fun of me.

End of her POV

After cotton watch two or three shows, she headed out on a walk to clear her nervous. Waking a good minute or two, she was very surprised of not seeing any of those girls from yesterday.

"Huh? Thought they would be here? Ah, who cares"

Cotton went to get something at howdy's Bodega. Actually cotton never got to see this howdy guy, she hope he is frriendly like eddie and the others.

After opening the door, cotton heard a man's voice turing to see a 7'8 caterpillar coming out from the back of the store.

"Howdy do miss. . . Oh, you are new neighbor, righ?" Asking.

"Yes, my name is cotton, cotton clover, its good to see you sir"

"Hahaha, no need to call me sir, call me howdy, and its reallt great to see you too cotton. So what can I help you with?" He asked her.

"Oh, I just came into get some drinks"

"Well certain, the drinks are just down the shelves there, help yourself and call if you need help"

"Thank you"

Cotton went to get the drinks she needed as she got them, she saw three missing posters. Cotton got a closure look of the missing people and shocked to see the same girls that bullied her from yesterday.

"What the hell?" Whispering beneath her breath.

Cotton just shurgged as she went and paid her things and left. But of course she had the feeling of suspicion just eating away in her.

Why where those poster up and with specifically the girls that mocked her mostly. It just wasn't adding up, cotton had been so rapped up in her thoughts and she didn't look to see someone infront of her.

She then bumped into the person, she looked to see who she bunped into and got really shocked.


Wally looked down at her.

"Hello cotton~ its good to see you again" purring towards her.

"Oh, I'm sorry wally, I guess I got caught up in thinking that I didn't see you" she explained.

"Oh, what is it that you are thinking?" Asking interested.

And so, cotton explained the reason, wally who which wasn't to serious with the matter. Infact he was rather. . . Calm as cotton finished explaining.

"Oh, little lamb, don't worry you pretty little head of yours, I'm sure its nothing serious" wally said doing a smile after.

Cotton wasn't sure to believe him or not, but it seems that if wally said its nothing and it has to be. So she let it go and said goodbye to wally, however she wished that she didn't believe wally.

Wally POV

Oh my dear, sweet little lamb, no one will hurt or take you way from me. I will make sure of that, and soon~ very soon~ we will be together. . .  Forever

Then walking away to his house to eat some of the "meat" he had hurted.

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