Sad little lamb

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The next few days went and cotton was really enjoying here it felt really enjoyable. Cotton was walking around enjoying the nice and calm neighborhood, she stop at a bench to rest her legs as she sat down the three girls walked by her and stop.

"Well, well, well, look what we got here girls"

Cotton looked up to see three girls who were skinny to were you could almost see their ribcages.

"Oh hello, my name is cotton" she said to them but they just laughed.

"Ew, this fatass just talk, who the hell would talk about to someone like you?" The blond girl said.

Cotton looked at them a little hurt, she didn't even do anything to them.

"Hey, I was just-"

"Hey, I was just talking, I a big fatass whale!" She rudely inturppted cotton making her friends laugh at the "joke" she did.

"Listen fatass goat, we don't take people like you who are overweighted whale around here. So if you could just leave and don't show yourself here its embracing to have people like you"

Cotton could feel herself crying as she heard the girl tease and mocked her weight.

"But I just move here? I didn't know anything wrong?" Cotton tried to defend her.

"Well do everyone a favor and just leave. Move to another town, oh wait you can't cause your tires would bursted from the weight of yours"

Cotton could take more of this and just walked way with her crying and hearing those girls laughing at her as she walked.

At the butcher shop

Wally was finishing up placing the meat in the freezer, he couldn't stop thinking about cotton his beloved little lamb. Just saying her name was so toture to not have her in his arm.

"Ooh~ my little lamb, I hope you come" wally said.

And if his prayers was answered as he heard the shop's bell rang alerting him that a customer came in. He hopes it was cotton, wally went came out to smile wide when he saw cotton.

"Oh hello cotton how are y-" stopping when he saw cotton's face was went.

"Cotton. . . Are you okay. . .?" Wally asks

He came from beind the counter to her, he saw more clearer that cotton was crying and this made him very angry.

"Cotton, what. . . What happened? Why are you crying?" He asks her.

Cotton just cried as she kept on replaying on what those three girld said about her and her weight.

"Cotton" wally then gentle lifted her face up with his hand on her righ side of her face.

"What happened?" Asking more dark.

Cotton explained what happened with her explaing that three girls tease and mocked about her weight calling her a whale. And how things would break by her weight after she cried onto wally's chest even more, but she didn't see wally's face turned to pure rage.

Wally's POV

How dare they. . . How dare those skinny bitches have the audacity to mock his little lamb and make her cry.

Ooh, this. . .  This won't go injustice. . . Not by a long shoot. I will found those girls and when I do. . . . Will fucking kill them slowly and painfully one by one.

End of POV

Wally looked at his little lamb who was still crying on his chest.

"Ooh, cotton, please don't cry, shh, shh, shh, I got you, I got you, Wally's got you" Wally spoke.

He gentle hugged her and rubbed cotton's back as he laid his head onto of cotton's head. She calm down as wally comforted her as cotton hugged back.

She enjoyed how wally comforted her and she only knew him for one day. But didn't bothered wally, not even the slights bit.

She looked at wally who smiled to her, which made her blushed a bit.

"There we go, there's that happy sheep" wally said.

Cottom giggled at him, after sometime cotton went home with more steaks from wally. As she left wally was readying himself for the hunt for those girls who made his little lamb cry.

"You girls are gonna be my next meal for a month"

Before going on his screach for those girls.

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