First day of WH

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The next morning came and cotton was very excited to see her neighborhood though she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watch by someone. Ah its probably her nervous getting to her, I mean first day at a new place is very scary, but it can also be fun too.

Cotton washed up, got dress and headed to see the neighbors. She went to a pink house with flowers around it, she smiled at the cute house then cotton heard footsteps. Before she could look someone hugged her so tight, cotton looked to see a pink puppet with a very large blond hair. Who looked happy as she looked at cotton.

"Why hello there! You must be the new neighbor that just moved here? My name is Julie, Julie Joyful!" Julie said very excited.

"Oh hello, uh sorry... a little shy, my name is cotton clover" cotton replied back a little quite but but not to quite.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for being loud. I sometime gets excited with new people" Julie apologised to cotton who smiled to her.

By then the two hit it off very well, Julie like cotton as she is a type of girl who loves her family just like her. And Cotton like Julie with her love of baking and her love for her family too, the two went to see Sally, Julie's friend. As the two were walking Cotton kept on feeling that she was still being watch, looking around she didn't see anyone. But she'll keep an eye out if anything, they made it to a house with both the sun and moon on the door, Julie knocked on the door while calling out.

"Sally, Sally, come on and meet the new neighbor!" Julie called out.

The door opened to reveal a puppet wearing overall, sneakers, and has a star for a head. She smiled as she saw both Julie and Cottone almost cotton.

"By the stars a new neighbor! How exciting, my name is Sally, Sally Starlet, it is a great pleasure to meet a new face around her" Sally greeted as she did in a play to cotton.

Cotton gigglee and greeted Sally back, cotton got to know Sally very well as she saw how Sally had a love for threaters, plays, and acting too. Cotton really loved how talented she is will customs too, she saw how Sally makes them by had, it was get late and Cotton told Sally and Julie that she gonna go home a have dinner. The two said bye and Cotton left to her house although, she still can't get over the feeling of being watch by someone.

The feeling was getting to her a bit much were she was getting paranoid.

And she was correct with her being watch by someone, however she didn't know 'who' is stalking her. In parts of rhe shadow of the forest, we see pairs of eyes was watching a scared Cotton as she walked by to her home still watching our for anyone.

??? POV

Oooohhh, my pooy little lamb~ you don't need to fear me, I wouldn't even dream of hurting you.

I simpling wish to be the one person you come to, that you need comfort, or if you need some affection by too~

It totures me knowing you fear me by what I am, yes I might be scary. But that doesn't change the fact of my love for you.

My little lamb~

(Chuckled evily)

Soon very soon my love

Before walking way farether into the woods while smiling to myself.

We will be together........ forever~

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