One Big Decision makes A Difference ~ 28

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"Mom, so... Justin asked me to go on tour with him..." I said slowly. I knew she would flip out. The last time I went with him I came back not knowing anything about the last 4 years of my life. Maybe she'll give it a chance. I still had to tell her.

"Are you going?" She asked, continuing to wash dishes and not making eye contact with me.

"I don't know. I had to ask you. I already told dad, he said he wasn't sure." I replied. She wiped her hands and walked over to a drawer full of papers in the corner of the kitchen. She pulled a paper out and put it in front of me. It read "LA University" on the front. (A/N: I have no clue if that's a real college or not! I don't live in California!)

"College?" I asked, confused.

"Yes! You always talked about being a Vet! I decided to pick this up while I was at the post office today!" She smiled brightly.

"Wait... At the post office? So that means...." My eyes lit up at the thought if me -Brielle Graham- getting into college. Me! I never thought i'd be smart enough, being a blonde and all. Haha just kiddinggg.

I felt so happy, I clutched it to my chest tightly and threw my head back, smiling from ear to ear. I jumped up and hugged my mom. She embraced me and we did a little happy dance together. This is as close to her as I've been the past day or two, since I found out about Jace and that crap.

I sat back down and was about to call Justin when I started thinking about him. He asked me to go on your with him... What kind if girlfriend would I be if i did this to him?

I felt a frown slip into my face as I laid the paper back down on the table. I flattened my hands over the envelope.

I always have to make the hard decisions, don't I? I looked at my mom with puppy dog eyes. She took a double take at me and sighed.


"Could you decide for me?" I begged, batting my eyelashes.

"No! Brie, you need to make this decision. It's YOUR future, not mine. It may be hard but your a big girl." She said as she got up and went back to the dishes.

What do I do? I need to talk to someone who will understand. I grab my phone out of my pocket and dual Grace's number.


"I just don't know what to do!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms in the air in exaggeration. Ryan and Grace were on my right side, holding hands and sipping their smoothies. We were walking down through the mall. I picked a table for us to sit at in the crowd of people.

"Have you talked to Justin about it yet?" Ryan asked, placing his arm around Grace's shoulder. AWWW they are so dang cute!

"No.. I just got it. I need to know if he will be mad." I say simply, taking another sip of my Strawberry smoothie.

"This is how I see it: you know what happens last time. You let the paparazzi get to you and then something bad happened. You should try something different." Grace suggested thoughtfully. I thought for a second and I realized she was right. But I don't think I could stand being away from the boy that makes me so happy. He has tried so hard at this relationship and all i've done is be injured. I don't want to break his heart let alone break mine at the same time. But I need to follow my dreams to. I sighed and pulled out my phone.

"I'm gonna talk to him and see if we can meet somewhere." I stated, kinda annoyed because my best friend just happens to always be right.

She smiled slyly and started a small conversation with Ryan.

"Hello?" Justin answered. I got nervous at his happy tone.

"Hey..." I said anxiously.

*Justin's POV*

"Hold still Justin!" Someone said. They were measuring my sizes for a new concert outfit. I wiggled around and got poked a few times on purpose. I laughed a few times because it tickled! My phone started vibrating so I picked it up.

"Hello?" I ask, still laughing a little.

"Hey...." Brie said uneasily. Her innocent voice was so clear it sounded like she was here. I really miss her right now...

"Hey, Brie!" I said cheerfully, "Ready for tour in a few days?" I heard her sigh and I became concerned.

"About that... Can we meet up somewhere?" She asked. I looked around me, seeing all the people measuring my body.

"Umm... I'm kinda bust now. You can talk to me now." I told her. I heard a pause and then she spoke again.

"I'll, uh, call you later. Ok? Love you bye!!" She said quickly before hanging up. What was that all about?


*Brie's POV*

I walked into my kitchen, seeing my dad eating a plate full of food. I sat my car keys down on the counter and slumped to the set of stairs leading to the some rooms.

I shut my bedroom door and collapsed onto my bed, letting out a huge sigh. I stared at my ceiling, noticing something black. I squinted my eyes to get a Better look, but instead stood on my bed to look.

"I Love You So So Much! xoxo Justin" a permanent marker read. I rubbed my fingers across it smoothly and looked around my room. The paint splatters made it stand out so much. My pictures were on the wall.

I laid back down before I got up to take a Shower. When I got out I sat back down on my bed, drying my hair with a towel. It will curl naturally later.

Soon, I heard my phone ring and grabbed it quickly. It was Justin.

"Hi." I said.

"Hey, now what's up?" He asked worriedly. I got a bit of cold feet but I knew what I had to do.

"I have good news and bad news! What do you wanna hear first?" I asked.

"Bad news." He replied. I panicked and pretended not to hear him.

"Good news! Great! Umm... I got I to college!!" I said happily into the phone. He laughed and said, "That is freaking awesome!!!"

"Thank you... And for the bad news... I don't know if I can go with you on your or not..." I said uneasily. I bit my nails thinking he was gonna freak out on me. But he didn't.

"I absolutely understand. You need to get your education and do what you want to do. I get it. Don't feel all guilty and eat yourself up over this." He said. My mouth was literally hanging to the floor. What?

"What?" I let that slip out on accident.

"I promise." He said.

"But Justin.... Thank you. I swear I will never be able to re pay you. I'm going to miss you more than I don't know what!" I felt tears well up in my eyes. There was no use stopping them. They streamed down my face and I wiped them away frantically.

"Just text me, call me, and Skype me every single night! I won't survive a day without looking at your beautiful face." He said and it melted my heart.

"I wish I could see you right now. Where are you anyways?" I asked.

"My hotel room." He answered simply, I heard a few more guy voices in the background.

"Will you stay on the phone with me?" I asked him hoping to get a yes.

"Of course." He answered. I could hear the smile in his voice. I laid down on my bed and relaxed. Justin and I talked about little things until I fell into a deep sleep.

I still think he might be upset. I really hope not. I just can't take him being mad at me. I love him to much.


A/N: I tried making this as long as I could!! I really hope you guys like it and thanks!




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