Ep 1

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The football ground remained as busy as it is always during matches.... Players moving here and there in chaos filled ground searching for the other players and giving all the instructions needed and so more..

The audience was completely thrilled... Not even a single seat remained empty... A loud roar could be heard from the audience as their school heartthrob entered the stadium...




Everyone shouted as Jungkook gave the audience a flying kiss...

This is the typical scene of the day of match in the uni... Jungkook, the famous personnel of the whole College, is a part of the football team... Not only a part, but also the captain...

"We are winning guys! We really worked hard for the match..."

Jungkook said to the audience as the roared much more furiously...

Jungkook turned around grin the audience and looked around searching for a certain someone...

"Hey, song-lee ssi! Did you find where jimin is?"

Jungkook asked his fellow team member as the shrugged his shoulders meaning no and replied

"Why are you looking for him, jungkook-ssi..?"

"Ugh... That midget promised me that he would give me back my Jersey!"

"Why does he have your Jersey... And- wait... Whose are you wearing by the way?"

"He spilled coffee on it! So clumsy! I borrowed one jersey from my hyung..."

"Aww... Poor boy just have poured it by mistake... Don't tell me you beat him!"

"I... May have slapped him..."

Jungkook said as song-Lee just said 'poor boy' and left...

Jungkook muttered 'poor boy my ass' as he walked to his team...

Jungkook always found Jimin annoying... He hated the boy... He always wondered why he felt this way towards the other...

Maybe cause jimin and Jungkook's first meeting...


It was the first day of uni...I was walking through the college towards me locker room as usual... People were squealing over me as I walked with pride through the hall.

Jungkook was happy showing off, but then someone bumped into him. He looked at the tiny boy who held his heart and looked at me with a puppy eyes and said

"Sorry, sunbae... I should have looked"

And was about to walk away... But what's too shocking for our heartthrob is that the guy didn't know him... And... He didn't look at Jungkook drooling, like the girls and boys in the uni did!

He stopped him by saying

"Hey you! You don't know me? How can you just leave like that?!"

"Oh...I don't know you, sunbae... I think I already apologized... What more do you want me to do? In fact it was you who bumped into me while smiling at your fans..."

He said innocently, as he walked away...

The whole College was stunned at his words while Jungkook was standing there shocked...

The same day, during lunch hour, Jungkook decided to encounter the boy who managed to insult him like that... He looked all through the cafeteria, but never found that boy...

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