Ep 14

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Jungkook was driving swiftly to the reserch centre that they are supposed to be at...

He encountered far more zombies than what they did when they just started... A few of them even tried to swarm the car, but Jungkook was fast enough to move away from em all...

Not gonna lie, both of them were scared... If something's gonna happen to one or the other... But they both never voiced it out and talked like normal...

Jungkook frowned, looking at the maps and said

"It says...to drive into the grass... Towards... Some forest... It says..."

"Forest..? I... Don't remember where the centre was, as I was unconscious the while time I rode last time...

Why can't we ask Tae..?"

Jimin said...

Jungkook muttered 'okay' as jimin took out his phone and called tae..

"Tae tae hyung... The maps says to drive... Into the forest..? Is that right..?"

"Oh jiminie... You guys are near the forest already..? Yes.. you need to drive into the forest... It directions are correct..."

"But... Hyung... What if we don't get any signal in the forest..? We will be lost..."

"Oh jiminie... Don't worry... The forest has signal... We made sure there is... The centre in in the middle of the forest, actually..."

Jimin said a little 'ok' as tae said

"But... Be careful in the way... But I don't think there will be any zombies in the way... But still... Be careful..."

"Okay tae tae hyung... Bye..."

Jimin said as he cut the call... Jungkook gave a long sigh and drove towards the forest area, just like the map said...

On the other hand, tae, after speaking to jimin, got on phone with yoongi... He said

"Boss... They are on the way... In the forest..."

"Oh... That's good... We can find the cure earlier than what we predicted, it seems..."

"But boss... We both know... The fact that we could extract the cure from jimin's blood... Is just a hypothesis... We don't know if it's possible..."

"I know, taehyungie... I know... But... If jimin's blood could cure Jungkook.... There is something else... That we missed..."

"Hyung... Whatever happens... Weather we find the cure or not... Weather the reserch is of success or not... We need to keep jimin safe... That's all that matters..."

"I know... Afterall... Everything that we did... Is for that kid..."

They both had the conversation going, not knowing that there's a couple listening to all of this...

"Joonie... What did they mean by that..?". Jin whispered...

"Idk... Maybe... If we ask jiminie... We will find smth..."

Join whispered back...

They both sneaked into an empty room and dialled jimin's number..

They waited for the call to pickup.. when it did... It was Jungkook who answered... Not jimin...

"Jin hyung..? What happened?"

Jungkook asked with worry evident voice...

"Jungkookie... Can we talk to jimin..?"

"Oh, hyung... He is sleeping... He actually didn't have a great sleep last night, it seems... So I just let him sleep..."

"Oh~ I thought I'd finally know what's up.."

Jin said pouting...

"What do you mean by finally know, hyung..?"

"It's just... Jungkook-ah... There's something that tae's not telling us. So I wanna ask him if tae has did something... Or... Discovered something for... Jimin..."

"He did hyung..."

Jungkook said shocking both Jin and namjoon...

"What do you mean, jungkook-ah?"

Jungkook told what happened with jimin earlier and what tae and yoongi did for jimin, to save his life...

Jin and namjoon stared at eachother, with wide eyes, both realising the same thing...

"Jungkook-ah... Listen to hyung... Jimin... Jimin is the reason... Why the apocalypse is taking place..."

Jin said to Jungkook as the younger snapped

"What! Hyung! What are you saying..? Do you even listen to what are you speaking?"

"Jungkook... Come Outta the car... Make sure jimin isn't listening to you..."

Jin said as Jungkook obeyed the younger...

"Listen... Tae and yoongi... Made a medicine... Or so jimin said ryt..?"

Jin asked as Jungkook hummed..

"There is... No medicine for jimin's condition... What they did... Is to genetically modify jimin's cells and functioning a little bit... So that he isn't as worse as he was before..."

Jungkook exclaimed "what! What do you mean..?"

"They... Altered jimin's gene... So that he doesn't-"

"Speak in ENGLISH hyung!" Jungkook said in a duh voice...

"Ugh..! You little punk!...They changed jimin... In a way... So that he doesn't suffer like that... Anymore...

The project aimed at injecting jimin with a liquid that should make jimin's body cells act differently, so that he is cured completely...

However, the project was not a fully a success... Jimin was able to survive... But not fully cured...

The liquid however... Is made specially for jimin... And it somehow leaked... And..."

"Everyone became zombies..?"

Jin just hummed and they all stayed in awkward silence...

"So...if that gene... Or whatever... Is the cause of this... Apocalypse... Then... Why did it cure me... When I took his own blood..?"

Jungkook asked...

"To find that out, we need jimin here..."

Jin said as Jungkook sighed loudly.

Jin continued

"Just... Don't tell jimin about this... He's gonna feel bad and... Beat himself up... Just... Focus in bringing the boy here...safely..."

Jungkook hummed and cut the phone off...

He turned towards the car only to find jimin, his tears falling continuously... He said in a broken voice

"S-so... I'm... I'm the... Reason for... It all...huh?"

Jimin said as Jungkook went to jimin and held him tightly in his embrace...

"No... It's not your fault... Jimin.."

"F-for... Me to live... My... Mom gave her... Life... And... T-Tae...and y-yoongie...did it... Which caused all this...

It's... All my fault..."

He said as he cried harder...

Jungkook was about to say some comforting words to the younger as the younger pushed him away with all his might, and ran away...

Jungkook shouted

"JIMIN!" As he ran, following the younger...

At a point, Jungkook was alone, in the woods, no sign of life around the sight of his vision...

Jungkook loudly cursed


As he went into the forest looking for the younger, with panick and fear increasing...

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