ep 26

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Jungkook was numb.

He refused to eat, sleep, hell even get up from the bed he sat on.

He kept blankly staring at the wall, not even having blind hope.

The members were worried, and aren't any better, either.

Jungkook's little trance was broken when he received a call.

What's strange was that people who he knew was sitting in the same place as he was, and there's only one person who could call him.

With a tint of hope, picked up his phone with shaky hands, only to see that is exactly the same person he hoped.

He picked it up and shouted

"JIMINIE! Jiminie-ah... How are you... Jimin..."

The others, after hearing the younger shout, entered the room too, hearing the conversation.

"Hyung... Please lower your volume... They might hear... And...I... Could be better..."

He said, voice strained more than usual...

"Jimin... Talk to me... How are you..? Did they do something to you..? "

"No... They just... They just threw me in... The basement... They didn't come again except to give me dinner...

I'm... I'm talking through my smart watch..."

"Oh... Jimin... I was... Was so worried... Oh god..."

"Hyung... They don't know how to make the serum, hyung... Even if they... Kill me... They won't be able to do anything with my blood... They are totally dependent on the one you guys made..."

Jimin said, making yoongi speak

"Then... They won't do anything to jimin... We... We must act quickly, though... We need to bring jimin home as soon as possible."

Jimin strained a bit and said

"Don't... Don't give them the cure, hyung..."

He said as he takes a deep breath, before continuing

"Find... Find another way... And... Please hurry... They are not giving me... My meds... And... I don't think I can hold... Like this for long..."

Tae replied

"Trust us... Jiminie... Trust me... We'll save you... Don't worry..."

"I know tae tae hyung... I... Need to go now. They're coming it seems. Call you later... Take care..."

The line went dead in a moment as the members let out a sigh of relief, knowing that jimin is good for now, but worried on the other hand, as they're in the pressure to save the boy soon.


Yoongi spoke in a dead serious tone

"It's time we actually make a plan and do something. We need to act quick. We have no second chance at all.

So, listen to me very carefully..."


The six were now in the living room, determined to save the younger and reunite their family, being back their happiness and most importantly, give Jungkook back his love.

Namjoon and Jin got up in a seperate car, and headed straight towards namjoon's house, taking  a vile with them.

There they stood, nervously outside their own house, and knocked twice, revealing Mrs. Jeon in casual wear, along with Mr Jeon and fatass guy.

"Oh? That was rather quick"

Said her, letting the boys in.

'It'd be a hindrance to fight us, that dress.'

Thought namjoon as he marched inside, holding jin's hands assuring him it'll be okay.

"Mrs. Jeon"

Spoke Jin

"We have the cure with us."

He told her in a unusually monotonous voice, as he showed her the vile.

"Take this, and hand is over jiminie, now."

"Woah, seokjin-ah! I didn't expect that from you. I thought you're going to protect the cure no matter what. Yoongi guy seemed adamant

What changed?"

She enquired, clearly suspecting the guys. The other two, the fat guy and Mr Jeon, made a dirty smirk to each other.

"It's not our fault that we actually care for people who we love."

Said Jin, with the same deadly, monotonous voice he used earlier.

"Woah seokjin-ah. Calm down dear. If this is a joke, I swear, you're going to regret it."

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

Jin says, slightly irritated and raised his voice a little.

"Ok then, hand me over."

'Oh, come on, quicker!'

Jin thought to himself as he said

"If you get this... What's going to happen to the world after?"

"Oh now you care, huh. You were Willing to sacrifice everything and give us the cure just now."

She says as she raised her eyebrows in uncertainty, which is honestly annoying to those who look.

"Nothing. Just carried away."

He mumbled lowly.

'Now, Jin hyung.'

"Here." He handed over the cure to Mrs Jeon and added

"Hope I see you never."

Before trying to leave the place at once.

Mrs Jeon called out

"Hey! Don't you want your jimin?!"

Jin turned to his egg donor and said

"Hope I see you never again."

He says as he took a remote from his hands and pressed a key, making that vile burst open, letting off a dense chloroform, making them fall faint in the same place.

They both left the place at once, and, they both leaned against the compound wall. and let out a huge sigh.

"Ugh~ that was harder than I thought."

Jin complained, as Namjoon caressed the back of his neck, and said

"You did a great job, baby."

As he pulled Jin into a passionate kiss.

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