Extra #5

360 29 12

Third person pov

      Seungmin felt like he was being followed, and this has been the third day in a row. He'd hear tiny whispers, shushing and footsteps.

But who would follow me?

He shrugged that feeling off, after all, he was at school, there are lots of people here who goes on about their businesses, nobody would care to follow a nerd like him.

But today it felt worse, like he could feel their breaths on his neck, weighing him down and limiting his freedom to move, restricting his ability to relax.

And so a perfect plan came in action.

The west wing on the third floor.

Of course he didn't tell Felix about this, His second mom would flip and insist on following him everywhere. That includes sleepovers every night, extra cuddly Felix and even nagging Felix.

So no!

That wing is perfectly secluded, and he would know for sure if he was actually being followed.

But what if they hurt me?

That wing is kinda dark and with less people there, they could easily get away with it.

Seungmin was trapped in the middle of a broken bridge. So with heavy steps,  he slowly approached the said wing. The closer he got, the more eerie he felt.

He walked deeper and deeper and still the footsteps kept getting louder and louder, and the only thing his already panicked brain could think of was to run.

But he couldn't turn back, the stalker is there. He needs to take the other stairs that leads to the second floor, its the senior's wings but at least he'd be with people.

The brunette started out slowly, but his pace gradually picked put, and before he knew it, he was sprinting towards the stairs, huffing out shaky breath.

But when he made it to the stairs, a pair of strong hands gripped his upper arms, making the younger to yelp, but the scream got muffled by a hand behind him.

And just like that, darkness.

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